
Friday is Franniversary Eve. Thank you to everyone who has helped out along the way. The new “wall” is up, story so there SHOULDN’T be feet going through the wall on kick ups or handstands. Feel free to mark your rounds on it, this site it is Chalk board! Please do not use hand chalk. There will be sidewalk or chalkboard chalk around for this purpose. We will be at the gym on Saturday morning by 6:45am in order to start registration and give time to warmup. The first heat starts at 8:30am and will continue every 10 minutes until noon. Bring your cash! Big Vic’s BBQ will be selling yummy BBQ, physician as well as Me Like bars, Paleo Sweet Tooth and FitFit Apparel.   We will be having a 50/50 raffle. This means that if you win, you get 50% of the cash, and the rest will go to...
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Denny and I tackled Heavy Fran Plus the other night.  Basically you do Fran, side effects then at 4 minutes, you begin 15-12-9 Thruster 115/75, Chest to Bar.  It’s the 2 WODs smashed together.  We both attacked with similar plans – do a “chill” Fran in under 4 minutes, but likely not under 3, then get into the real tough stuff, the 115 Thruster/C2B combo after Fran. My main observation was one of intensity.  Intensity is the number one factor in determining results in fitness.  Intensity should be placed on a pedestal.  We basically test WODs to see how close we can get to a perfect response of intensity – to do the right amount of weight and movement that allows the athlete to keep moving.  The is an equation for this, Force x Distance / Time.  The crazy thing is, when you add to one aspect of a WOD,...
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There are still a few spots left for the Franniversary. We will be accepting signups until 5pm on Wednesday. After that, pilule heats will be set and posted tomorrow night.  We will post a standards video on Wednesday as well.  There are no surprises – all movements will be the same as CrossFit Games standards.  The only movement you may need to concern yourself with is the Kettlebell Swing in the Open Division.  The swing will be required to finish directly overhead, more about with arms extended, stomach similar to the top of a thruster. Workout of the Day 15-12-9 rep rounds of –  Pullups Kettlebell Swings 53/35 Burpees Rest 2 minutes after triplet is complete, then 12-9-6 rep rounds of – Pullups KettleBell Swings Burpees Rest 2 minutes after triplet is complete, then 9-6-3 rep rounds of – Pullups KettleBell Swings Burpees
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Tips For Your Grips from CrossFit Invictus.  Many of us do a pretty good job of warming up, sick but the grip is vitally important, and I for one nearly never warm it up.  I do use the lacrosse ball in my off time, and I have noticed how much it has helped since I had a few hand tears in recent weeks.  Hand tears suck.  They can be a result of over gripping or consistently working with an over taxed grip.  I especially like the third recommendation – actively opening your fingers.  I have never actively done this until reading the article.  Grab a rubber band and give it a try!     Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Push Press Milo 10 sets OTM of 3 Push Press, add 5# to last weeks effort. Conditioning Alternating Tabata 20 Seconds of Hang Power Clean, 135/95 Rest 10 Seconds 20 Seconds...
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The 2014 CrossFit Oakdale Fran-niversary is: The Girls Gauntlet Elite AMRAP 5 Diane Ladder 9-15-21-27-33…rep rounds increasing by 6 Deadlift 225/155 Handstand Pushup Rest 5 minutes, # rotate to next station AMRAP 5 Pushup Annie Ladder 10-20-30-40-50…rep rounds increasing by 10 Hand Release Pushup Doubleunders Rest 5 minutes, rotate to next station AMRAP 5 Partner Grace Plus As many Clean and Jerks as possible, 135/85 Rest 5 minutes, rotate to next station AMRAP 5 Fran Ladder 9-15-21-27-33..rep rounds increasing by 6 Thruster 95/65 Pullup The Girls Gauntlet Open AMRAP 5 Diane Ladder 9-15-21-27-33…rep rounds increasing by 6 Deadlift 185/115 Bar Facing Burpee Rest 5 minutes, rotate to next station AMRAP 5 Pushup Annie Ladder 10-20-30-40-50-60…rep rounds increasing by 10 Hand Release Pushup Doubleunders Rest 5 minutes, rotate to next station AMRAP 5 Partner Grace Plus As many Clean and Jerks as possible, 95/65 Rest 5 minutes, rotate to next station...
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