Denny and I tackled Heavy Fran Plus the other night. Basically you do Fran, side effects then at 4 minutes, you begin 15-12-9 Thruster 115/75, Chest to Bar. It’s the 2 WODs smashed together. We both attacked with similar plans – do a “chill” Fran in under 4 minutes, but likely not under 3, then get into the real tough stuff, the 115 Thruster/C2B combo after Fran. My main observation was one of intensity. Intensity is the number one factor in determining results in fitness. Intensity should be placed on a pedestal. We basically test WODs to see how close we can get to a perfect response of intensity – to do the right amount of weight and movement that allows the athlete to keep moving. The is an equation for this, Force x Distance / Time. The crazy thing is, when you add to one aspect of a WOD,...
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