Tips For Your Grips from CrossFit Invictus. Many of us do a pretty good job of warming up, sick but the grip is vitally important, and I for one nearly never warm it up. I do use the lacrosse ball in my off time, and I have noticed how much it has helped since I had a few hand tears in recent weeks. Hand tears suck. They can be a result of over gripping or consistently working with an over taxed grip. I especially like the third recommendation – actively opening your fingers. I have never actively done this until reading the article. Grab a rubber band and give it a try!
Workout of the Day
Push Press Milo
10 sets OTM of 3 Push Press, add 5# to last weeks effort.
Alternating Tabata
20 Seconds of Hang Power Clean, 135/95
Rest 10 Seconds
20 Seconds of Front Squat, 135/95
Rest 10 Seconds
Repeat for a total of 8 rounds