
On Saturday, decease I Cleaned 300#.  I hit this lift solid, web surrounded by friends, eating donuts, drinking beers and listening to Outlaw County music.  This is such a big, round number that I have to reflect on it. First, I distinctly remember shortly after starting CrossFit in 2006 and attempting a max effort Clean in my office gym in NYC.  I was with my buddy Jon, the other guy who had ever heard of CrossFit.  He was from San Diego and had spent the previous 3 years training at Brand X.  He was my Obi Won.  The weights were rubber coated, so they kind of seemed like bumper plates, although they weren’t.  At Jon’s recommendation, I threw up 185#, which was body weight at the time, caught it in a front squat, and stood it up.  Fired up, I dumped it and – I hope no one from the...
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The CrossFit Oakdale Christmas party is at Shiely’s on Saturday night, clinic 12/20.  The part starts at 6pm.  There is beer and burgers, page pay as you go.  There will be a white elephant gift exchange.  If you want to “play” you need to bring a gift.  $25 limit on the gift.  $5 white elephant gift for the kids if they want to play.  We hope to see you there! On Saturday, ask 10 CFO athletes made the trek to Modesto to take part in a fundraiser for Mason, a four year old with medulla blastoma.  There we tons of superhero dress up – a full on Spiderman and a  kitted out Transformer.  It was a nice time for a worthy cause.  The WOD?  Ouch!  A bunch of sandbag burpees and sand bag runs.  You know a WOD is tough when you find yourself wishing there were more burpees! Workout...
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Brian (that’s me) will be at the Masonator Fundraiser at Keller Williams Realty, more about 1001 Sylvan Ave, visit this site Modesto, to do a sweet sandbag WOD in a superhero costume.  I will be there at 8:45a, if you need a ride, hit me up on FB. Alison will be running class at 9am – the WOD is “Cindy” AMRAP 20 5 Pullups 10 Pushups 15 Squats If we get done early at the fundraiser, and if you are game, I’m calling a heavy lifting session – the Snatch Outlaw Capacity Test at approximately 11a.  Then, we eat!
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Tomorrow will be a make up day in the afternoon.  Tomorrow evening at 7pm we will have ladies Bunco. If you haven’t RSVP’s please let Alison know. White elephant gift exchange and cash prizes! Workout of the Day Strength Build to a heavy clean and jerk in 15 minutes – That is not a lot of time – think of this as a heavy warmup to get your shoulders ready for the wall climbs. Conditioning AMRAP 9 3 Deadlifts 185/115 1 Wall Climb 6 Deadlifts  2 Wall Climbs 9  Deadlifts 3 Wall Climbs
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Just to be on the safe side, more about we are canceling the afternoon classes due to inclement weather. The Filthy 50 will be carried out tomorrow afternoon at 4:30 and 5:30pm. Travel safely!!
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