CrossFit Oakdale Christmas Party Saturday 12/20/14

The CrossFit Oakdale Christmas party is at Shiely’s on Saturday night, clinic 12/20.  The part starts at 6pm.  There is beer and burgers, page pay as you go.  There will be a white elephant gift exchange.  If you want to “play” you need to bring a gift.  $25 limit on the gift.  $5 white elephant gift for the kids if they want to play.  We hope to see you there!
On Saturday, ask 10 CFO athletes made the trek to Modesto to take part in a fundraiser for Mason, a four year old with medulla blastoma.  There we tons of superhero dress up – a full on Spiderman and a  kitted out Transformer.  It was a nice time for a worthy cause.  The WOD?  Ouch!  A bunch of sandbag burpees and sand bag runs.  You know a WOD is tough when you find yourself wishing there were more burpees!
Workout of the Day
Outlaw Snatch Capacity Test
2 Snatch OTM for 5 minutes
At the completion of the 5 minute OTM, perform as many Snatch as possible in 2 minutes.
Weight recommendation – 70-80%
Use 10 minutes to warm up to this weight.  Your score is your made lifts in the 5 minute OTM (10 possible) and the number of lifts made in the 2 minute smash.
3/3, then 6/6, then 9/9, then 12/12…go up by 3
Overhead Squat 95/65