
Pushup challenge starts Monday. $15 buy-in – cash prize for the top Athlete at the end. Sign up sheet is on the counter alongside the sign up sheet for the Body Fat Testing. Spots are filling up. Perfect preview of your contents before the Paleo-ish challenge starts in February. Body Fat Test is $49 for first timers and $39 for the retest. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Bear Complex Take 20 minutes to build to a heavy Bear Complex.  A Bear Complex is: Clean, for sale Front Squat, Jerk – Rack to Back, Back Squat, Behind the Neck Shoulder to Overhead.  You may use different variations to speed up the process.  For example, you may Squat Clean into Thruster, rack on the back, and perform a Back Squat into a Thruster.  A Back Squat into a Thruster is also called a Rack Thruster. Conditioning 3 RFT 25 Thrusters 95/65 25...
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Many of you have embarked on some type of nutrition challenge and for that I commend you.  I am in the same boat.  We have decided to take our lives back from the sweets and treats – and the ensuing afternoon insulin hangover or bloat that they produce. But after a day or 2, approved we realize it isn’t that simple. My first piece of advice to all you nutrition warriors: Be prepared! Shop, do meal prep, pack your lunch.  Do everything you can to avoid the deviation, or temptation, to break from your new plan, especially this early. Second, find support. Sarah has started an awesome “Getting Dirty with the Whole30” Facebook page.  Like this page, and see what other CFO athletes are doing to take positive control of their nutrition.  Planning meal ideas, support, questions, it’s all there. Finally, know you are not alone, and your experience is...
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We did a version of this WOD a couple of weeks ago, but it was only 5 rounds.  I screwed up the run – some classes ran to a 200m point, # some ran the lot – and the lot is probably 160m, depending on how you run it. If you are scaling the pull-ups, either use banded or body pulls.  No jumping pull-ups here – your legs will get plenty of work with all the running and jumping. Workout of the Day AMRAP 15 Run Parking Lot 10 Chest to Bar Pullups 12 Box Jumps 24/20
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In case you haven’t noticed, adiposity I have been posting “Open Prep” workouts on the whiteboard.  There are 4 right now and I will continue to change them out every 3 days of so, always keeping 4 on the board. These workouts are meant to be done in addition to the work that we do in class.  Some may be better off done in separate sessions, some may work well as a warm up or cash out. The Prep WODs will give you a chance to work movements, or aspects of movements that will come up in the Open.  We will not be using the barbell for these Prep WODs, at least, not yet.  These is plenty of time to work on the barbell in class, and the focus will be getting you moving as efficiently as you can while breathing well and repeating movements. Often times, there will be...
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Are you looking forward to the real New Year?  The day where everyone REALLY goes back to work, sickness the kids go back to school and the grind begins anew.  Me either.  The only way to ease the pain is to come to CrossFit Oakdale and try to break a barbell with your bare hands. I will post tomorrow about Open prep, medical but we will hold a Open Prep class at 7:30pm next Tuesday night, 01/13/2014. Tomorrow starts “Getting Dirty With the Whole 30’s” 30 day challenge. If you are just starting to dabble in the world of Paleo/Whole Foods eating make sure to check out the Facebook page and ask questions. We will be having our spring Paleo Challenge in February – starting on the 16th. There will be a Challenge briefing on Thursday February 5th during open gym at 6:30pm. I will let you know when I...
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