I wanted tot talk briefly about the Pull Up/Dip OTM we have been doing. The idea behind this is to develop strict pulling if you have been kipping away for years (like I have). The other idea is to systematically attack the weakness of the dip portion (or the catch position) of the Muscle Up. Generally, prostate ladies struggle with the Dip, link so I only ask that ladies do 3, pills compared to guys doing 6. BUT… For everyone, make this work for you. If 3 dips is not enough, do 4 or 5 or 6. If you are smoking through the 6 pull ups or dips, focus on moving slowly through the movements, using tempo – like explode up, and lower yourself on a 3 or 4 count. Personally, I have been doing strict Chest to Bar in each session. If you are doing all the work, this...
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