
This marks week 2 of our new strength program. A couple of tips. If you did the lifts last week, prostate you may add 5-10#. But…you should not be missing lifts.  This is an opportunity to perfect movement with moderate weight.  Except for the squats.  Sets of 8 are hard.  I’m not saying you should fail, but you should be fighting. I will post the Weekly challenge on Tuesday – if you haven’t taken a crack at 42 in 2 minutes, get on it! [youtube] Workout of the Day Strength/Skill 3 sets of Hang Snatch, 2 Position (Low then High) 3 sets at 60% of 1RM of your Snatch.  If you did this last week, you may add  5-10#As far as the Positions go, Low can be Position 2, just above the knee, or if you are comfortable, just BELOW the knee.  This is great to work on...
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Some good non-barbell fun after a week of tough barbell WODs on Saturday. Classes at 9am and 10am – at 10am, advice I have a WOD I would like to test out.  It’s  a sprint, sales so if I have any takers, click be a little warm. Workout od the Day 4RFT 21 Wallball Shots 20/14 18 Pullups 15 Kettlebell Swings 53/35 12 Handstand Pushups Shamelessly borrowed from Pat Sherwood/CrossFit Linchpin
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Friday will mark Day 3 of our 4 week cycle that we are doing every Monday, # sale Wednesday and Friday.  There may be some tweaks to reps and weights over the courses of the weeks, price but this is generally the plan. There are a few thoughts I would like to share based on some feedback. First, here this is a strength program, but not quite.  It’s more a DURABILITY program.  By adding the secondary lifts and the additional work multiple times a week, under some time constraints but not those in a WOD, we are able to address technical and other aspects of movement with a fine tooth comb. Second, I am very sensitive to athletes being or feeling rushed.  I hate being rushed when it comes to fitness, and well, probably everything.  For this program, I am asking you to give it your best, but think about...
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We already know it is more fun to workout with your friends and family. So if you have a college buddy/child or any kind of student over the age of 18 home for the summer, # approved there is a summer student pass. With a valid student ID, health they can enjoy CrossFit Oakdale for $105 a month unlimited. This starts May 15th-August 15th. Workout of the Day 3 RFT 100 Double Unders* 25 Kettlebell Swings 53/35 20 Box Jumps 24/20 15 Burpees *35 Attempts 20 minute time cap
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Wednesday will be the second planed day of our new strength program.  For all work, search like the last few months, we will add 5-10# to each lift.  But that is only if you are moving well.  Don’t be afraid to keep the weight relatively light and move well. [youtube] Workout of the Day Strength/Skill 3 sets of 1 Behind the Neck Push Press/Jerk, 2 Overhead Squats Work from the rack.  Take 7-10 minutes to get warm and accustomed to the movement, and work up to a moderate weight for 3 working sets.  55-60% of 1RM is a good starting point. Stiff-Legged Deadlift 3 sets of 8 Take 3 or 4 minutes to warm up following the PP/OHS work.  Review the video.  Notice the bar doesn’t touch the ground, and the knees are soft, slightly bent.  This is basically a Good Morning with hands in the Deadlift/Clean position.  Keep...
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