A Word on Strength

Friday will mark Day 3 of our 4 week cycle that we are doing every Monday, # sale Wednesday and Friday.  There may be some tweaks to reps and weights over the courses of the weeks, price but this is generally the plan.
There are a few thoughts I would like to share based on some feedback.
First, here this is a strength program, but not quite.  It’s more a DURABILITY program.  By adding the secondary lifts and the additional work multiple times a week, under some time constraints but not those in a WOD, we are able to address technical and other aspects of movement with a fine tooth comb.
Second, I am very sensitive to athletes being or feeling rushed.  I hate being rushed when it comes to fitness, and well, probably everything.  For this program, I am asking you to give it your best, but think about your EXPECTATION.  There are some time constraints, but we are not asking you to hit huge lifts – we want you to work MODERATELY heavy, with an emphasis on good positions.
Third, the numbers are recommendations, not gospel.  If you can go a little heavier, do it.  If you are having a high gravity day and the bar feels like a cheese grater, work at a lower weight.  Personally, I like walking into these sessions with a target number in mind, working to it quickly, and getting the work in.  Yes, you need a plan, but if you have questions ask a coach about a target weight, or use some of those big CrossFit round numbers – 75, 95, 135, 185, 225 – for your starting points.
Fourth, if you feel comfortable adding weight in the coming weeks, do it.  If you don’t, don’t.  The true goal is to move better and become more durable.  If you do these lifts, relatively heavy, that will happen.
Finally, when you get to your working weight, if the bar is too heavy or too light, don’t be afraid to adjust the weight – as long as we would consider it relatively to moderately heavy for you.
Workout of the Day
Hang Clean, 2 Position (Low then High)
5 sets of 2, 60% of 1RM of your Clean.  As far as the Positions go, Low can be Position 2, just above the knee, or if you are comfortable, just BELOW the knee.  This is great to work on if the bar gets out in front on your first pull.  For the High Hang, this is not Position 1, it’s more like 1.5.  We want to see some hinge at the hip and lowering the bar down the thighs.
Take 6 or 7 minutes to get to your working weight.
Back Squat
4 sets of 3, 60% of 1RM
After the cleans, take 2-3 sets to get to your working weight.
3 Hang Squat Cleans 175/125
12 Pushups
50m sprint
Optional Work
Split Jerk
5 sets of 2, 60% of 1RM