
Summer is here – or at least school is out! I would like to welcome back our teachers:) If there is a face you have not yet met, # 100mg or name you don’t know – introduce yourself! You might find a new lifting buddy or running partner.  Summer events are coming up – Weightlifting Seminar with Charles Shipman, Christmas in July Bunco, maybe some river lounging…Stay tuned to Facebook to keep up on events. If you haven’t texted Alison your # to receive up to date text message, you can text her (with your name and #) at 345-4380. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill 3 working sets of 1 Push Press, 2 Overhead Squats Stiff Legged Deadlift 8 sets of 3 I DID change the sets this week – instead of doing 3 sets of 8, do 8 sets of 3.  The longer set was more of a grip...
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Charles Shipman, web also known as Uncle Charles, what is ed will be at CFO on June 20, 2015 for an Olympic Weightlifting Seminar.  The cost is $115 ($100 if you sign up before June 10th) and the seminar will last all day Saturday.  Expect to break down the lifts, lift heavy and learn a lot.  Charles is weightlifter from California Strength, one of the top weightlifting teams in the country.  Not only does Charles coach national level weightlifting athletes, but he coaches many CrossFit athletes – of all levels.  Charles has coached many CrossFit Games Regional athletes and is very experienced and knowledgable on how the lifts apply to CrossFit. Not only is ole’ Uncle Charles a great coach, he’s a pretty funny dude.  It will be a great day of lifting heavy, learning, and having fun. And one more thing – the skills you pick up in a...
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For Memorial Day, try we will be doing the Hero WOD “Hotshots 19.”  We will begin at 9am, do a general, then specific warm up for the movements.  I hope to 3-2-1 GO at 9:30.  Hotshots 19 is a relatively long WOD – it took most of us over 30 minutes to complete when we did it last year- but it is very scalable.  We can scale the weight, movements, time – anything we want.  You can work it as a partner WOD, you can sub the running for rowing, bicycling or skateboarding.  Hopefully, there are a good amount of folks, and we’ll work together and share bars. What we want is to see your smiling face, work and sweat to honor fallen heroes, and go on and have a great Memorial Day.  We will try to keep the effort to the 30-40 minute range.   Workout of the Day...
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Tomorrow we will be heading up to the hills of Knight’s Ferry. Brian has a  fun WOD for us to do outside. Taking it to the streets! We will meet at the top parking lot (across from the long rafting parking lot.) If you are coming from Orange Blossom, website go over the bridge and it will be on your left. If you are coming in from 108, generic it will be BEFORE you go over the bridge, on your right. We can head out for lunch after the WOD. If you are bringing a friend, please have them sign a waiver online HERE. There will be open gym on Sunday. Stay tuned to Facebook for the details. Monday is a 9am class only – Hotshots 19.
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Good Luck to Nick, approved Jen and the rest of the NorCal CrossFit Team!! We are excited to watch you tear apart the competition.  AJ Zambruno is competing on the New Era Team out of Fresno, Annie Marshall is on the CrossFit FootHills Team out of SoCal, Buddy Hitchcock on the CSA Team. For the individuals – Nick Pappas out of CrossFit Sav-Up and Johnny Medina.  Workout of the Day Strength/Skill 5 working sets of 2 Position Clean (Low then High) Take 10 minutes to get warm, then work the 5 heavy sets.  You may work the low position Below or Above the Knee.  The High Position is Mid Thigh.  We started this at 60% of 1RM.  Use that as a guiding point. Back Squat 4 sets of 3 After the Cleans, quickly work up to a working set of 3, in 3-4 sets.  Again, starting point was 60% of...
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