For Memorial Day, try we will be doing the Hero WOD “Hotshots 19.” We will begin at 9am, do a general, then specific warm up for the movements. I hope to 3-2-1 GO at 9:30. Hotshots 19 is a relatively long WOD – it took most of us over 30 minutes to complete when we did it last year- but it is very scalable. We can scale the weight, movements, time – anything we want. You can work it as a partner WOD, you can sub the running for rowing, bicycling or skateboarding. Hopefully, there are a good amount of folks, and we’ll work together and share bars. What we want is to see your smiling face, work and sweat to honor fallen heroes, and go on and have a great Memorial Day. We will try to keep the effort to the 30-40 minute range. Workout of the Day...
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