
The Swim Workout is tomorrow morning at 8:30am. We will have 3 WODs – 200m Swim for time That is 8 laps A swim/calisthenics WOD Finally, for sale if there is time and the field is available, I have a Burpee WOD I have been dying to do on the football field.
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There are still a couple of spots available for the weightlifting seminar with Charles Shipman next weekend (the 20th). It will run from 9am-5pmish. The cost for the day is $115. This weekend is the Swim WOD at the Oakdale High School – be there at 8:30am.  If you haven’t had a chance to get on the reminder list – stay up to date on all things CrossFit Oakdale – text @cfoakdale to the number 81010.  Workout of the Day Strength/Skill 5 sets of Power Snatch/Hang Squat Snatch Take 10 minutes to get warm.  Ideally, decease you will hang onto the bar for both lifts, # dosage but it is not required.  If you have to drop, visit quickly re-grip, Deadlift into position, and perform the HSS.  Your limiting factor may be your ability to overhead squat.  That is the game – if you can Power Snatch 205, but can...
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** Today is the last day to sign up for the weightlifting seminar at the discounted price. Text Alison or hit her up on Facebook if you want in. Price goes up to $115 tomorrow. June 20th from 9-5pm with Charles Shipman. We will be working on the Snatch and the Clean and Jerk.** Don’t forget about the Swim WOD on Saturday.  The workout takes place at the Oakdale High School Pool at 8:30am.  I have 3 events planned – a 200m swim, sickness a swim WOD, # and a workout on the football field. Today’s WOD makes me feel like a mad genius.  In my opinion, it has all the trappings of a painstorm.  It has a classic CrossFit rep scheme.  It consists of 3 of the foundational, highly functional movements.  Each are the second of the foundational movement series in their perspective sequences: pull, squat and press.  The...
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Athlete Spotlight By Thomas Giles This month’s spotlight athlete is Rockford ‘Rocky’ Anderson. Rocky came to us less than a year ago and has been working his butt off since day 1. Every day that he comes into the gym he brings a positive and supporting attitude. Not only does Rocky give 120% effort into his workouts, sales he’s always cheering for and pushing other athletes to go harder. Rocky is a coach’s dream. He is always open and receptive to coaching, and wants any insight a coach can give him to become a better athlete. We also know Rocky as the local Oakdale Cop and for that we thank you. Rocky expressed to me that around the end of last summer he was in a fight at work. He was out of shape and overweight, his fitness level almost cost him the fight. In our line of work losing...
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Tuesday’s Benchmark is, tadalafil in my mind, physician Fran’s sister.  Instead of a weightlifting push and gymnastic pull, troche you get a weightlifting pull and a gymnastic push.  This is also similar to Fran in that it can be done very quickly – 3 minutes and less for strong athletes that can go unbroken.  Now, it isn’t as bad as Fran, mainly because of bar distance, which relates into horsepower.  The bar and your body don’t move too far on either movement, so Diane doesn’t provide the metabolic punch of Fran. What it does test is Handstand Pushup, and it tests them in a major way.  If you have them, great.  I recommend kipping everyone, as strict is faster, but when they go, they are gone.  You may have to stand there for 30 seconds or more, and even then end yourself doing small sets, even singles to finish. For...
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