Admin stuff

There are still a couple of spots available for the weightlifting seminar with Charles Shipman next weekend (the 20th). It will run from 9am-5pmish. The cost for the day is $115.
This weekend is the Swim WOD at the Oakdale High School – be there at 8:30am. 
If you haven’t had a chance to get on the reminder list – stay up to date on all things CrossFit Oakdale – text @cfoakdale to the number 81010. 


Workout of the Day
5 sets of Power Snatch/Hang Squat Snatch
Take 10 minutes to get warm.  Ideally, decease you will hang onto the bar for both lifts, # dosage but it is not required.  If you have to drop, visit quickly re-grip, Deadlift into position, and perform the HSS.  Your limiting factor may be your ability to overhead squat.  That is the game – if you can Power Snatch 205, but can only Overhead Squat 115, you’re working with 115.
Pause Back Squats
4 sets of 2
At the bottom of each squat, hold for a good count of 3.  For example, you partner says “1 Spiderman, 2 Spiderman, 3 Spiderman, UP!”  You may substitute any superhero you like, but a partner should count.  Recommended weight is 60% of 1RM Back Squat.
3, 6, 9, 12, 15 rep rounds of:
Power Snatch 95/65
Box Jump 24/20
But – if you complete the round of 15, you start back over at 3, then 6, then 9, etc… Scoring will be the total # of repetitions completed.