This week’s benchmark is “The Chief.” More on that tomorrow.
The summer is in full swing, approved but that doesn’t mean we are in the throws of the lazy days of it. I (Alison) recently read an article about punctuality. One of my favorite parts is about how being on time shows that you value yourself and your time. I value my coaches and their time.
We realize you have busy lives too. Sometimes you are running late or the traffic light at Greger is jacked up, and we get that. If you find yourself walking in to class a minute or two late please make sure you get to the board ASAP and notify the coach that you are there to train. Our coaches only have an hour to impart their wisdom upon you and we want to make sure you get the full benefit of their time.
We don’t have a burpee penalty. This is not the Marine Corps or the third grade.We do expect you to show up and be ready when the class starts. You can even go above and beyond and show up early and start some mobilization or get sweaty.
Being early is ALWAYS on time.
Workout of the Day
5 sets of 2 Hang Cleans and 1 Jerk, 70-75% of 1RM
Take 10-12 minutes to get warm.
3 sets of 3 Clean Pulls
You should be pretty warm after the Clean and Jerk work. Quickly get into your 3 Clean Pulls – work up to 90-92%.
10 RFT
35 Doubleunders
10 Toes to Bar
8 minute cap. This is an aggressive cap – it is basically an 8 minute AMRAP unless you are really moving and can complete 10 rounds.