
I have a classic CrossFit couplet headed your way tomorrow, tadalafil complete with old school video from Santa Cruz.  Beware that which looks easy. But if you need a flat brim hat for the WOD they are in stock! Workout of the Day Strength/Skill, price Week 4 of 4 Deadlift Take 10-12 minutes to build to a heavy single, approximately 85% of your 1RM.  Once you hit that weight, pull 3 heavy singles at that weight.  Lift every 90-120 seconds. Front Squat 3 sets of 3 These should be heavy, but go by feel.  If you need a number, 80% is good. Conditioning 5 RFT Parking Lot Run 15 Toes to Bar 12 minute cap
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With “Heavy DT” being performed at the CrossFit Games this year, sildenafil Tuesday’s WOD almost seems quaint – except it’s not. When the first day of the 2008 Games came to a close on Saturday, they announced the finals for Sunday: Grace.  Except instead of Clean and Jerk anyhow, you had to Squat Clean the weight.  The nodded.  Then Dave Castro announced the weight – 155/100.  Everyone went ‘oohhhhh.’ What the Games effectively showed us back then was that fitness was a moving target.  As soon as you begin to get good at something, you need to move to the margins of you experience and test yourself again.  It’s still good to re-test bench marks, but CrossFit constantly forces us to ask ourselves “where is my limit?”  You are good at Fran?  How about Chest to Bar Fran?  You are good at Grace?  How about Squat Clean Grace at 155? ...
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With “Heavy DT” being performed at the CrossFit Games this year, prescription Tuesday’s WOD almost seems quaint – except it’s not. When the first day of the 2008 Games came to a close on Saturday, malady they announced the finals for Sunday: Grace.  Except instead of Clean and Jerk anyhow, medical you had to Squat Clean the weight.  The nodded.  Then Dave Castro announced the weight – 155/100.  Everyone went ‘oohhhhh.’ What the Games effectively showed us back then was that fitness was a moving target.  As soon as you begin to get good at something, you need to move to the margins of you experience and test yourself again.  It’s still good to re-test bench marks, but CrossFit constantly forces us to ask ourselves “where is my limit?”  You are good at Fran?  How about Chest to Bar Fran?  You are good at Grace?  How about Squat Clean Grace...
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This is the final week of our current strength progression.  We will re-test 1RM next week, thumb and then we will have a new progression next month, focusing on the power lifts. This week’s benchmark is “Heavy Grace.”  At least, what we used to call Heavy Grace – 30 Squat Clean and Jerks, 155/100.  I guess some people are calling Heavy Grace 225/155 now.  That is insane.  Heavy Grace was the final WOD of the 2008 Games, and it was like a bomb went off when it was announced.  Now, it’s just more stuff we do. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill, Week 4 of 4 Snatch Build to a heavy single in 10-12 minutes, approximately 85% of 1RM.  Once you hit the target weight, perform 3 singles, with approximately 90-120 seconds rest between lifts. Back Squat You should be pretty warm following the Snatch, especially if you are hitting the...
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We recently did DT.  They just did DT at the Games…Double or Heavy. You may or may not have a choice…maybe we’ll flip a coin. Workout of the Day Double DT 10 RFT 12 Deadlift 9 Hang Power Cleans  6 Push Jerk 155/100 or Heavy DT 5 RFT 12 Deadlift 9 Hang Power Cleans 6 Push Jerk 205/145
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