
Cooler temperatures are upon us…that’s right consistent 90’s! Tomorrow will be much cooler than last Saturday…but let’s bring our “A” game anyway. At 9am and 10am For Time 8 Muscle Ups* 50 Box Jumps 20/16 8 Muscle Ups 35 Box Jumps 24/20 8 Muscle Ups  20 Box Jumps 30/24 *Subsitute 4 rds of 5 Pullups/5 Ring Dips for 8 muscle ups.
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The War on Your Legs will continue until fitness improves.  Thank You.  (We do it because we love you.)     Workout of the Day Strength/Skill, medications Week 1 of 4 Back Squat 3 sets of 10 Some starting points are bodyweight, stuff 50%-60% of 1RM. Conditioning 7RFT 10 Medicine Ball Cleans 20/14 10 Kettlebell Swings 53/35 14 minute cap
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Tomorrow is Coach Micayla’s last day at CFO. It has been very fun to watch her grow as an Athlete. She always has a smile on her face, try a cheery attitude and a tenacious spirit when faced with a new challenge. We saw that this weekend in the Finals of the Women’s RX division when she was the last person to get to the muscle-ups and then blew through a few, sales even stringing two together right before time expired.  We will miss you dearly McKilla – CFO was and always is your CrossFit home.  In honor of Micayla we have chosen a WOD in her name. She always asks Brian for a partner WOD so here we go! If there is an uneven number of people we can have a group of 3 or the single person will note the time it took to do the first round...
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So, tadalafil we are Shoulder Pressing in the strength portion.  The reps are relatively light, visit but there are a lot of them.  For the set of 10, I recommend starting at 50% of body weight.  Ladies may be a little lighter than this.  I would guess for week 1, we will have a lot of men pressing 95-115 and a lot of ladies pressing 55-65. Keep the rest short on these sets, at 90 seconds at the most.  The most fun way to accomplish this is by partnering up and using a you go/I go method. Finally, if you are deep in a set and you begin to fail, finish that set by push pressing.  If you are push pressing more than 2 reps, you should probably lower the weight. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill, Week 1 of 4 Shoulder Press 3 sets of 10 Conditioning 5 RFT 20...
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So, order we did the CrossFit Oakdale Summer Slam on Saturday.  To say that it ran as well as we hoped it would is both an understatement and a relief.  Bob, link Tricia, Adele (more on her), Chris, June, Hannah, Gloria, Christine, Thomas, Kate, Kelsey, Tyrell, Aaron, Sarah (more on her), Michelle B, Ashly came together and ran a first rate CrossFit competition. Was it a surprise that everyone looked so good in neon? After being a part of many competitions, and life, you are continually reminded it’s not about the destination, but the journey.  Only a select few athletes get to make a podium, but anyone can be a part of moment that inspires others.  Living in the moment and being present with those moments of effort, determination, joy, frustration doubt, overcoming that doubt make CrossFit more than a training method or a sport, and more like a way...
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