
Workout of the Day AMRAP 2010 Box Jumps 24/201 Handstand Walk across box10 Kettlebell Swings 53/3510 Burpees
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Workout of the Day For Time 21-18-15-12-9-6-3Deadlift7-6-5-4-3-2-1Overhead Squat135/95 20Min Cap
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Raise your hand if you felt the impact of a great pause squat cycle and a fun little walk out drill! Make sure you get your lifts into SugarWOD so we have a number to go off of in the NEAR future. Congratulations to all of the AWESOME PR’s today – there was some excitement in the air. If you missed today, you can hit that lift on Sunday during Open gym. 10-12pm. It will be a great way to start off our new squat cycle… you know the .9 stuff:) Weightlifting starts up again this Friday at 6:30pm. Workout of the Day “Deja DU” For time 3 Rounds50 DU20 PullupsRest 33 Rounds50 DU15 PullupsRest 350 DU10 Pullups
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So what did you think about that walk out?! Fun, right? Well preparations have been made – we learned to brace and to create the tension we need to perform that heavy back squat. Fuel up, Athletes and be ready for tomorrow. April 24th, we will have four ladies competing at the Festival Games in Petaluma! Brooke will be on a team with some strong ladies from Stockton, and Scott, Lizzy and Katie put together a team just this weekend. We are proud to have you representing our community and can’t wait to see you compete! Workout of the Day Back Squat for Load
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Congrats to Jack O who completed in the 2021 CrossFit Games Quarter Finals over the weekend. Jack improved his position by over 1,000 places from his open performance in the North American continent! Great Job Jack! The age group online qualifier will take place in the first full week off May – so more fun to come. Let’s hope we don’t have 30in box jumps! It was like a sniper was shooting folks in the leg as they hit the top of the box after some heavy, heavy snatches. We will re-test our back squat tomorrow. In anticipation, we’ll do something I’ve always wanted to do – a walk out. It’s very simple – load the bar. Rack it on your back. Walk out the rack like you are going to squat. Stand there for 5-10 seconds. Feel the weight, organize your body – rib cage down, hips under shoulders,...
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