WOW. Just WOW.

Raise your hand if you felt the impact of a great pause squat cycle and a fun little walk out drill! Make sure you get your lifts into SugarWOD so we have a number to go off of in the NEAR future.

Congratulations to all of the AWESOME PR’s today – there was some excitement in the air. If you missed today, you can hit that lift on Sunday during Open gym. 10-12pm. It will be a great way to start off our new squat cycle… you know the .9 stuff:) Weightlifting starts up again this Friday at 6:30pm.

Workout of the Day

“Deja DU”

For time

3 Rounds
50 DU
20 Pullups
Rest 3
3 Rounds
50 DU
15 Pullups
Rest 3
50 DU
10 Pullups