
Please remember that the more items brought for donation, no rx the more people in need we can help. Items needed: Water * diapers * NEW underwear and socks * gently used clothing * toiletries *baby wipes* baby formula* canned goods * spirit lifting items ALSO on another fundraising note, we will be having a raffle for 1 month of CrossFit. $1 per ticket, 15 tickets for $10. ALL $$ goes straight to Lift Up Autism, our fundraiser on Saturday. You can sign up at and choose CrossFit Oakdale as the location for your WOD. The WOD is 5 minutes long and movements can be scaled. 5 MIN AMRAP 4 Power Cleans: 155 lbs.  men/105 lbs. women 24 Double Unders 10 Pull-Ups Workout of the Day Complete as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of: 5 thrusters 5 chest-to-bar pull-ups 10 thrusters 10 chest-to-bar pull-ups 15 thrusters 15...
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After the high rep work of the last month, buy more about it will be a fun opportunity to test your ability to perform the Olympic lifts in a “heavy with high heart rate” setting.  We’ll do the Outlaw Capacity tests – Snatch on Monday at 80% of 1RM, symptoms and Clean and Jerk on Wednesday at 70%.  I can tell you, after performing the Grace Ladder from the CrossFit Team Series, this should be a good time. Sandwiched in on Tuesday and Thursday will be a couple of WODs.  Tuesday will be the individual version of the Fran ladder.  The Fran Ladder looks like something that was created by Torquemada.  Look it up, history buffs. We have the Lift up Autism Fundraiser this coming Saturday, but we would love to make another cause our focus this week. Any food, water and gently used items that can be donated...
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Friday night our Whole Life Challenge Team completed the baseline WOD and chowed down on items that will be big No-No’s come September 19th. If you are interested in joining us for this 8 week lifestyle change, stomach join our team! On Saturday both 9 am and 10 am classes will be taking on another one of the CrossFit Team Series WOD’s. Come on in and find out which one!  
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This week started the CrossFit Team Series WOD’s. We are going to be doing one on Friday individually, # and you might see a team one on Saturday. We have been throwing a few .com WOD’s at you lately and I think you are starting to see that they are no joke. CrossFit has adapted over the years and so will you. Enjoy!   Workout of the Day Strength For Max Reps: Back Squat Use the same weight you have been using over the past few weeks. Have someone count for you in case you get fuzzy:) Conditioning For time: 100 double-unders 50-calorie row 25 step-ups with 45-lb/35lb dumbbells to 24/20-inch box  
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Why We Use the Assault Bike from CrossFit Invictus.  We don’t have an Assault Bike at CFO, doctor but we have an Airdyne, healing which is basically the same thing.  It has been called “Satan’s Tricycle” by someone more loquacious that I, view but the name fits.  The resistance bike makes for an excellent warm up/cool down or can be a hellacious workout unto itself. You will see Denny warming up, cooling down, or using intervals all the time after his sessions.  One a rare occasion, you may catch Coach Lou torturing Uncle Don on the trike.  I have personally ruined Rocky’s day in 20 second pieces in a warm up.  Workout of the Day 5RFT 400m Run 15 Chest to Bar Pullups 25 minute cap Gymnastics 7OTM Perform a Handstand hold for 20 seconds.  This can be: a 20 second handstand walk, a Handstand hold for 20 seconds (you...
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