
For the 23 members of the Whole Life Challenge, medications week 1 brings changes in many daily habits. They are changing their diet, cure adding in exercise, treatment mobility, supplementation and hydration. The last two parts deal with reflection and a lifestyle challenge. The lifestyle challenge will change every week. They got hit with MEDITATION for the first week. We know a little bit about that! Most of our team has downloaded the Headspace App. It comes with 10 free days  – helping you ease your way in. Brian says it is like having a monk in your pocket.  If you are looking to add in some peaceful time to your day, meditation is the perfect solution. 10 minutes of quiet breathing and focus can clear the mind and warm the heart. But where do we start? What do you do if you get distracted? What about when I fall...
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Tomorrow is the Lift Up Autism Fundraiser at 9am. We will be doing a quick little finisher after the fundraiser if you want to stick around for Saturday morning fun.  You can still sign up online tonight or online at the gym tomorrow. The t-shirts  are awesome as usual and the money will go to a great place. Open your hearts and your wallets. Raffle tickets are $1 each or 16 for $10. Prize – one free month of CrossFit Oakdale!   9am “Luke” 5 MIN AMRAP 4 Power Cleans: 155 lbs.  men/105 lbs. women 24 Double Unders 10 Pull-Ups   We will talk about modifications if need be. 
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Paleo or Zone from CrossFit Invictus.  As we begin the Whole Life Challenge, page which is a Paleo challenge, I recommend keeping an eye on Zone portions.  Whether you are an experienced Zone eater or you have only heard of the Zone through some of the WLC sessions, do yourself a favor and re-familiarize yourself with the Zone concepts: understand the macros (Protein, Carbs and Fat), understand the portions (Protein 30%, Fat 30%, Carbs 40%), and understand the timing of meals.  If Paleo is about food quality, the Zone is about food quantity and timing.  The Zone treats food as medicine.  As you delve in the Paleo diet, and eat Paleo approved foods, an understanding of the macros and portions may leave you feeling full longer. From experience being on Paleo challenges, eating a whole jar of macadamia nuts, or a 3 steaks, or 2 bags of spinach may scratch...
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If you are stuck, clinic stagnated or just in a rut you might have realized that things need to change. Maybe 7 habits in your life need to change. We are coming up on our Whole Life Challenge. It starts September 19th and will run over the 8 weeks to follow. There are three different levels to commit to. If you feel like you need a change, there your lifts and weights have plateaued, visit join us in the Whole Life Challenge! This picture was too cute not to share with the world. Brody is in 1st grade and crushed a deadlift/burpee workout on Tuesday. If you have a little one who could benefit from some kidlet functional fitness there are classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4-:430pm.  Workout of the Day AMRAP 15 5 Squat Cleans 155/100 5 Lateral Burpees
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Join us for Lift Up Autism on Saturday! Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Outlaw Clean and Jerk Capacity Test Take 10 minutes to build to 70% of your 1RM Clean and Jerk.  With that weight perform: OTM 5 2 Clean and Jerk After the 5 minutes are up, # buy perform AMRAP 2 Clean and Jerk So basically, this is an OTM 5, followed immediately by a 2 minute Smash.  if you miss at all during the OTM, you cannot reattempt.  Your score will be the number of Clean and Jerks you made – the best you can get in the OTM is 20 (the Clean counts as one, the Jerk counts as one), plus as many as you can do in 2 minutes. Conditioning AMRAP 12 800m run After the run, begin couplet until 12 minutes is up 15 Kettlebell Swings 53/35 15 Box Jumps 24/20
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