
CrossFit at 9 and 10 This was suggested by Denny.  There will be a time cap – 20 minutes or so… Workout of the Day Row 750m 5 Rounds  15 Deadlift 275/185 30 Wallball Shots 20/14 Row 750m
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Flexible Dieting Leaves Room For Doughnuts from CBSNews.  For WLCers out there, ed maybe save this read for 55 days from now. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill 4 Heavy sets of 2 Power Cleans 2 Hang Cleans 2 Jerks Like the Snatch Complex, visit web make this work for you.  Take 10 minutes or so to get warm, then work 4 heavy sets of this complex.  For the Hang Clean, squat or power is fine.  For the Jerks, Split or Push is fine.  The goal is to complete this complex as an unbroken set, but if you drop, just quickly pick it up and go again. Conditioning 5 RFT 20 Kettlebell Swings 53/35 35 Air Squats
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We might all move differently, order but in the end we all have the same goal. Fitness. Our goal might be specific to sport – maybe you play in a softball or basketball league. You may be competing for the CrossFit Games. Maybe you just want to be able to pick yourself up off the couch (or let’s be honest some sort of porcelain throne) when you are in your 80’s without assistance. Some people get fit because it just makes them feel better. I am lucky in that I get to work with kids 5 days a week. No one loves a burpee more than a 6 year old. The body mechanics of a child are pretty impeccable. Just check out the next toddler who passes by…perfect squat. Weight in the heels, knees out to the side, chest up and they can sit there longer than Kelly Starrett drinking a...
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Incredible numbers were put up on the CrossFit Total.  A big cheer for John L, health who broke the 1000 pound barrier 345/187/470.  Not close behind were strong men Matt, Nick G and Big Man Bob.  Melissa and Anna each put up near 700# totals with tons of PRs thrown in.  Rachelle had a 135# PR on her deadlift and at least 30# PR on the press. Anna, Joe, Sara H, Sarah L, Alexis and John each PR’ed every single lift, and of course, the Total.  That’s 24 PR’s among just 6 athletes.  Incredible! A huge shout out to Coach Lou that has put together a strength plan that is both fun and extremely effective. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill 4 sets of the Complex 2 Power Snatch 2 Hang Snatch 2 Overhead Squat Every attempt should be made to hang onto the bar.  But if you drop it, just pick...
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Following the CrossFit Total, clinic be aware of your soreness levels, especially your lower back.  Personally, I have experienced back tightness following the Total, as you have just gone to the strength well 3 times.  We are going to keep the heavy lifting not quite so heavy this week.  We will intro the new Clean and Jerk and Snatch Complexes that we will be using for the next 4 weeks on Wednesday and Friday.  This will be Zero week for the Strength cycle, meaning it won’t count, or it really will be 5 weeks or, well, I don’t know what Zero Week means.  It’s an extra week of lifting.  In the Army, they always put an extra week on the front end of a training cycle and called it Zero Week.  It usually meant you stood around a lot and it sucked.  This won’t suck, because lifting heavy never sucks. ...
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