
Workout of the Day EMOM 24Work 30s Rest 30sCal RowHandstand PushupToes to Bar You will either begin with 8 rounds of rowing or end with 8 rounds of rowing. If you begin, after the 8 rounds you will alternate minutes between HSPU and TTB. It you end, you will begin with alternating minutes of HSPU and TTB for 16 minutes, and then continue on rowing for calories for the last 8 minutes.
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I really don’t know how to cap this. I will say “2 for 1” singles on the doubleunders is not enough. If you are gonna do singles, it’s 3 to 1 – so 600 singles to 200 doubles. Workout of the Day 200 Doubleunders20 Snatch200 Doubleunders20 Clean and Jerks135/95
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Workout of the Day “Virgin Concrete” AMRAP 20Parking Lot Run12 Push Press 75/559 Pullups
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Monday will start a new back squat program. This is two 6 week programs back to back. The first 6 weeks are fairly familiar territory for CFO, but weeks 7-12 will take us into the deep waters of “drop sets.” But first things first. This program comes from Ben Smith. Smith won the 2015 CrossFit Games and appeared 11 times over his career. He literally grew up in the sport and his training evolved along with it. I always recommend videos of Ben Smith moving the barbell – I feel like he is a genetically gifted “regular dude” as opposed to a physical freak of nature. He trained hard, then he had to learn to train smart. So, training smart. This program is beefy – it will take time, but it will build up really nasty. We will back squat twice a week – and we will be doing other...
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Workout of the Day 7 RFT3 Squat Cleans 225/15515 Kettlebell SwingsRest 1 minute after each set
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