
On Saturday November 21st we hope to have a few teams headed out to CrossFit Walnut Creek for the Row-a-Thon. The cost is $160 for a four person team (2 guys 2 gals) It starts at 7:30am and goes until 10am. We have one definite team, salve but are looking for more teams to attend…fun Saturday mornings…rowing and competing…lunch out in Walnut Creek… Could you ask for more fun? Register HERE. Workout of the Day Strength Deadlift Build up to 60-70% of your 1RM of your clean. THEN perform 3 sets of 6 at that weight. Front Squat 4 Sets of 3 at 70% of 1RM Conditioning 11 M for Reps 100 Double Unders Run T.L. Davis Loop With the remaining time: as many Toes To Bar      
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On Veterans Day we will be programming the WOD “Klepto”. U.S. Air Force Major David “Klepto” L. Brodeur, # 34, sale of Auburn, Massachusetts, assigned to the 11th Air Force, based at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska, died on April 27, 2011 in Kabul, Afghanistan, of wounds sustained from gunfire from an Afghan military trainee. He is survived by his wife Susie, daughter Elizabeth, and son David. Classes will be held at 9am and 5:30pm.  Big thanks to all of those who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces. We have many around us and are grateful for all of their service. ***A quick note on this evening’s picture. We all know that kids model what they see from their parents. Our kids & teens classes are predominantly made up of kids whose parents attend Crossfit classes. So today, we had Conney’s kids who hang power cleaned 35# each in their...
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So, seek while I’ve been away, site I’ve notice people have been lifting some big weights.  I got to play at CrossFit King of Prussia over the weekend – they are a great group of folks and do things the right way.  Big thanks to Aimee Lyons, Giula, Miranda and crew for making me feel at home as I grunted, yelled at barbells and flopped around.  And yes, I hit a lifetime Snatch PR and totaled over 500 pounds for the first time ever.  So, I guess thanks you CrossFit KoP, but thank you CrossFit, too. We’ll be finishing the Whole Life Challenge this week, so why not start a new strength program?  Like before, Louis and I have come up with something that meets the needs of the gym, getting us stronger, more durable and more efficient. We will do a Snatch and Clean and Jerk OTM, much like...
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***Head’s Up! Wednesday is Veteran’s Day! We will be doing a Hero WOD and only having 2 classes that day. 9am and 5:30pm.*** Just to confirm, nurse this is Alison, approved not Brian, curled up with the laptop on a rainy Sunday afternoon. YAY for RAIN! We have been hammering the olympic lifts lately…more than usual at least. BUT it was all for good, I promise you. This weekend a handful of athletes completed the LiftOff (you can still sign up) and 2 out of 3 events were the olympic lifts at max effort. Whether you signed up or not, you got to snatch and clean & jerk to your hearts content.  Lots of olympic lifting makes us __________. You can fill in the blank. If you don’t know the answer, I will tell you. Stronger and better. Stronger and better at olympic lifts, stronger and better mentally, stronger and better...
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Tomorrow starts the last week of the Whole Life Challenge. If you are on the Challenge: Congratulations! If you live with someone who is on the Challenge…It is ALMOST over! We have spent a week meditating, abortion declaring our love for people, sales places and things, supporting each other, eating without distraction and sleeping 7 hours during the night. Our last week will be spent performing intentional acts of kindness. I think this is a good task for EVERYONE. Please join us in this part.  Workout of the Day For those of you that completed the Lift Off Friday: AMRAP20  Row 500m Run 400m Otherwise: Strength 20 minutes to build to  Max Effort Snatch – Can be power, squat or split but MUST BE A SNATCH. NOT  ground to overhead anyhow. Max Effort Clean and Jerk – Can be power, squat, or split.  Conditioning CrossFit Lift Off Rx’d Workout Complete...
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