For the past 8 weeks, shop including HALLOWEEN, more about 25 people made a commitment to improving themselves on a whole. They focused on nutrition, here exercise, mobility, hydration, supplementation, reflection and a lifestyle improvement. This particular challenge allowed us to enter scores in online, chat amongst ourselves or other people participating in the challenge worldwide. This forum brought our teammates together, creating a small community within our already amazing community of CrossFit Oakdale. The scores were calculated based on points earned within the 7 focuses, measurements (only 2 of the ones I took) and baseline WOD improvement. *Out of 1,715 teams that put points on the leaderboard, CrossFit Oakdale ranked 561. *After final measurements (more than just the two WLC uses) we (15 people) lost 82# – Avg. 5.5# per person *After final measurements we (15 people) lost 97.25″ – Avg. 6.5″ per person *Every single person who completed...
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