
CrossFit at 9am and 10am.  Xmas Bunco at 5pm.  Ready for Anything. Workout of the Day “T.U.P.” 15-12-9-6-3 Power Clean Pullup  Front Squat Pullup Men – 135, approved Ladies – 95 At 10am, I have a quick strength WOD I would like to try. It is easily scaled to any ability level.  All you need is 2 bars.
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You may notice we have some new equipment.  Be advised, about it the weights are a little slick and the new barbells are a little greasy.  Please help us break them in!  Use the new bars – but first give them a rub down to ensure they are dry and make sure you are well chalked. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill, visit this Week 4 of 6 Back Squat Take 10-12 minutes to build to a heavy set of 3.  Once you hit your weight, pharmacy drop 20 and do 2 sets of 5. Conditioning 3RFT 400M Run 42 Air Squats 21 1 Arm DB Snatch (Alternating) 45/35
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I think by now we have recovered from the Franiversary weekend. Brian and I are truly Thankful for our amazing staff of judges, hospital runners, site checker-inners, and organizational peeps. It would not have gone as smoothly as it did without them. Seven out of the 64 teams were from CrossFit Oakdale. I want to smother them in some love tonight. 2 Girls One Bar – Alexis & Anna – These two ladies did not give up in this RX competition. They completed 38 snatches at 83# and plowed through some pullups with rips in their hands! Hoodwinked – Rocky and Keri- Great teammates! They got through 67 snatches in the 5 minute section of Isabel. Keri is newer to CrossFit than Rocky but now has 2 competitions under her belt. The Open will be very fun for these two. Balogna Ponies – Chance and Paul- Placed in the top...
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Tomorrow evening’s post will be dedicated to the CFO athletes of this past weekend. Tonight we want to make sure you know all of the info on the upcoming events. Saturday night will be our Holiday Bunco. We are opening up this event, here so if you have friends who have heard how much fun our evenings are rolling the dice, online let them know about it! We will be having it on Saturday evening, December 12th, 5pm.  $11 to play and $20 max white elephant gift if you would like to play that. Also, if you can bring a dessert, appetizer or snacks item to share that would be great, as well as what your drink of choice will be. On Saturday December 19th, we will be hosting our 5th annual CrossFit Oakdale Christmas party. It will take place at CFO and tickets will be $10 for an adult...
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The Franiversary showed us once again that competition brings out the best in many athletes and that the level of fitness in the CrossFit community continues to rise. First off, troche everybody broke our “Deadlift Rahoi” scoreboard.  We put 12 rounds on the scorecard, and most teams pushed into some went well beyond the 12th round.  This forced judges to get creative in how they marked the scores.  I expected some high scores, but we saw more than 10 teams break 13 rounds, and 5 teams broke 15 rounds, and at least 3 teams broke 16.  That means they were busting rounds in 45 seconds. Second, in a competition in 2015, “scaled” is a relative term.  I have seen “scaled” athletes front squat 315 pounds for reps in the last year at local competitions.  On Saturday, in the finals, every team completed well over 30 Clean in Jerks (some completed...
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