The Franiversary showed us once again that competition brings out the best in many athletes and that the level of fitness in the CrossFit community continues to rise. First off, troche everybody broke our “Deadlift Rahoi” scoreboard. We put 12 rounds on the scorecard, and most teams pushed into some went well beyond the 12th round. This forced judges to get creative in how they marked the scores. I expected some high scores, but we saw more than 10 teams break 13 rounds, and 5 teams broke 15 rounds, and at least 3 teams broke 16. That means they were busting rounds in 45 seconds. Second, in a competition in 2015, “scaled” is a relative term. I have seen “scaled” athletes front squat 315 pounds for reps in the last year at local competitions. On Saturday, in the finals, every team completed well over 30 Clean in Jerks (some completed...
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