Proud of Our Peeps

I think by now we have recovered from the Franiversary weekend. Brian and I are truly Thankful for our amazing staff of judges, hospital runners, site checker-inners, and organizational peeps. It would not have gone as smoothly as it did without them.
Seven out of the 64 teams were from CrossFit Oakdale. I want to smother them in some love tonight.
2 Girls One Bar – Alexis & Anna – These two ladies did not give up in this RX competition. They completed 38 snatches at 83# and plowed through some pullups with rips in their hands!
Hoodwinked – Rocky and Keri- Great teammates! They got through 67 snatches in the 5 minute section of Isabel. Keri is newer to CrossFit than Rocky but now has 2 competitions under her belt. The Open will be very fun for these two.
Balogna Ponies – Chance and Paul- Placed in the top ten at the end of the Gauntlet and Rahoi. They came in 2nd place out of 30 teams for their score in Kicking Annie. Too bad there weren’t any skateboarding WOD’s for these guys.
That’s What She Said – Sarah & John – Do married couples make the best partners? There was definitely some give and take and communication with these guys during all parts of Fran IV. I love how they picked up where the other left off. AND I loved Sarah’s Big Ass smile the entire day. She definitely had some fun.
Tuff’n’Tipsy – Gina & Kelly – These ladies are the best female partners in the gym. Always with the best attitudes and smiles to take on anything we throw at them. They came in 1st place in Kicking Annie and 5 in Isabel – that’s 84 snatches in 5 minutes for their team. Nobody rocks a lady lifter with a martini glass tank top like these ladies!
The Golden Guineas – Trevor & Lou – These guys pr’ed for having the team with the most kids between them. They also rock some double unders – seems to be a pattern for our CFO athletes.
GAINZBraham Lincoln – Chris & Jack – Great performance by, let’s be honest, the most American Team in the competition. They came in 6th overall but 1st place for fashion! They also took 1st for Kicking Annie and 4th of Isabel with 68 snatches at 135#. Can’t wait for next years performance and creativity from you guys!
Workout of the Day
Clean and Jerk
Work on your weaknesses – training for quality lifts.
10 minutes to build to your goal weight – may go up 5-10# from last week.
2 OTM for 7 minutes
Kettlebell Swing 53/35
Abmat situp