
Normal hours this week until Wednesday.  On Thursday, approved which is Christmas Eve, we will have 1 class at 9am.  I have a sweet WOD planned – mixing Cindy and testing Clean and Jerk and Snatch. CrossFit Oakdale will be closed Friday through Sunday for Christmas. I will split up week 6 of our strength program – we will Snatch and Deadlift/Front Squat this week and Clean and Jerk with Back Squat next week. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill, Week 6 of 6 Snatch 2 Snatch OTM for 7 minutes.  Take 10 minutes to warm up to your target weight.  If you are comfortable and moving well, you may add 5-10# to your last effort. Conditioning AMRAP 7 3-6-9-12-15…keep going up by 3s Power Snatch 95/65 Toes to Bar
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CrossFit at 9a and 10a.  Christmas Party starts at 6p. Workout of the Day 3RFT 50 Box Jumps 20in 35 Deadlift 155/100 10 Muslceups or 10 Pullups and 10 Dips
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CrossFit must have been listening to me talking about working on the Muscle Up transition, this web because they went ahead and posted another video of a new Muscle Up transition drill. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill, thumb Week 5 of 6 Clean and Jerk 2 Clean and Jerk OTM for 7 minutes.  Take 10 minutes to warm up to your target weight.  If you are comfortable and moving well, you may add 5-10# to your last effort. Conditioning Open 15.4 AMRAP 8 3 Handstand Pushups 3 Cleans 6 Handstand Pushups 3 Cleans 9 Handstand Pushups 3 Cleans 12 Handstand Pushups 6 Cleans 15 Handstand Pushups 6 Cleans 18 Handstand Pushups 6 Cleans 21 Handstand Pushups 9 Cleans 24 Handstand Pushups 9 Cleans 27 Handstand Pushups 9 Cleans Men clean 185, Ladies clean 125 This is an Open WOD.  I recommend doing as prescribed if possible.  If HSPU are still...
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It is that time of year again – the one where we eat lots of tacos and quesadillas and fight over silly gifts! The 5th Annual CFO Christmas party is upon us. We will be having it at the gym and there is a $25 maximum on the White Elephant gift. There will be a kids white elephant – $10 max for that one.  Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for kids. That will cover the dinner. Please feel free to bring an appetizer or dessert and your favorite beverage.  Party starts at 6pm and dinner will begin at 6:45ish. White Elephant will start somewhere around 7:30pm. Please put adult gifts under the tree when you come in and kids gifts will go over by the GHD Machines. Make sure you let Alison know how many will be attending and you can pay her directly – cash or check. We...
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So…who wants to talk about the CrossFit Games Open??? I am going to put 2 optional workouts on the board – a burpee/DU tabata and a row/burpee/row for you to test out.  Yes, information pills the Open is 10-12 weeks out.  That may seem like a while, but if you want to perform your best, I would start preparing now. How do we prepare for the Open?  By building our engine.  We have spent the last few months really focusing on strength, and we have seen great gains across the gym.  Now, in getting ready for the Open, are we improving fitness or “getting ready for the test?”  Well, when the test is inclusive as the Open, prepping for the test IS improving our fitness. First, strength is a component of fitness, but it’s only 1 (of 10).  Plus, of the 27 workouts that have been tested in the Open,...
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