Christmas Week planning

Normal hours this week until Wednesday.  On Thursday, approved which is Christmas Eve, we will have 1 class at 9am.  I have a sweet WOD planned – mixing Cindy and testing Clean and Jerk and Snatch.

CrossFit Oakdale will be closed Friday through Sunday for Christmas.

I will split up week 6 of our strength program – we will Snatch and Deadlift/Front Squat this week and Clean and Jerk with Back Squat next week.


Workout of the Day

Strength/Skill, Week 6 of 6


2 Snatch OTM for 7 minutes.  Take 10 minutes to warm up to your target weight.  If you are comfortable and moving well, you may add 5-10# to your last effort.



3-6-9-12-15…keep going up by 3s

Power Snatch 95/65

Toes to Bar