
So, information pills after a minimal amount of deliberation, cheapest we will do a “12 Days of Christmas” WOD on New Years Day at 12pm.  I guess that’s the 12th day of Christmas. There is a bunch of barbell work at 95/65.  There are 12 movements, information pills so it’s a little complex, but otherwise it’s relatively simple.  There are no big weights or overly technical movements.  Tell your friends to come out and celebrate the new year by getting assaulted by exercise. Tuesday’s WOD came from the (twisted) mind of Coach Sarah.  So you can blame her. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Week 6 of 6 (Part 2) Back Squat Build to a heavy set of 3 in 12 minutes.  Once you hit your target weight, drop 20 pounds and do 2 sets of 5. Conditioning AMRAP 10 100 Kettlebell Swings 53/35 Once complete, in the remaining time, perform as...
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We hope you had a nice weekend.  Alison and I did our best to eat our way through Monterey. Due to New Years, see this will be an abbreviated week – normal training hours on Monday through Wednesday.  On New Years Eve – Thursday – there is only 1 class, at 9am, but there will be Open Gym until noon.  On New Years Day, there is only 1 class – at 12pm.  Normal hours (9a and 10a) on Saturday. I always complain about “12 days or Christmas” WODs, but I found a pretty decent one from a Rogue CrossFit gym in Ohio.  We may give that a go on Thursday or Friday.  Clean and Jerk work on Monday, Back Squat work on Tuesday. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Week 6 of 6 (Part 2) 2 Clean and Jerk OTM for 7 minutes Take 10 minutes to build to your working...
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There will be a 9am class ONLY on Christmas Eve. We will be closed Friday, view Saturday and Sunday. Merry Christmas to you and your families. Make sure you give lots of hugs, smiles and well wishes to all you see. We are truly grateful to all of you who walk in the doors of CrossFit Oakdale. Enjoy the long weekend! AMRAP 5 “Cindy” 5 Pullups 10 Pushups 15 Air Squats 5 Min to find 1RM Snatch AMRAP 5 “Cindy” 5 Pullups 10 Pushups 15 Air Squats 5 Min to find 1RM of Clean & Jerk  
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Glassman at Harvard Divinity School.  Is he preaching to the choir? Workout of the Day “Wittman” 7 RFT 15 Kettlebell Swings 53/35 15 Power Cleans 95/65 15 Box Jumps 24/20
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We are almost to Christmas! If you are looking for gifts for friends and family, visit this we are still offering 1 FREE month of UNLIMITED CrossFit with the purchase of an Intro package for $150 ($300 value). Starting tomorrow (12/22) ALL apparel will be 15% off for 3 days (Tuesday, illness  Wednesday and Thursday). New beanies are in and they make GREAT stocking stuffers. They are $20 and come in Black, Navy, Grey and Khaki. You could pick up a beanie PLUS 5 class punch card for $75 ($95 value). Christmas Eve 12/24 – 9am ONLY Closed 12/25-12/27 New Years Eve 12/31 9am ONLY New Years Day 1/1/2016 12pm ONLY Regular Schedule will be back on Saturday 1/2/16 Workout of the Day Strength Clean Grip Deficit Deadlift 3×6 Front Squat 4×3 Conditioning AMRAP 9 150 Double Unders* THEN for the remaining time 5 Burpees 7 WallBall Shots 20/14 *modification...
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