As previously discussed, decease Thursdays WOD will be slightly different than usual. Instead of setting an “RX” or prescribed weight, healing you will use 50% of your Deadlift 1RM for the Jerks. After doing Tuesday’s WOD, pills where we used this weight for the same number of Cleans, you can expect to put big weight overhead, this time with a bunch of Pullups thrown in for good measure. From my experience, the Clean WOD was challenging, and in all honesty, humbling. First, think about the weight you intend to use for the Jerks. Since there is no prescribed weight, just a measure of your 1RM, don’t feel pressure to go to heavy just to earn that RX. If you have a great Deadlift but are concerned with the Jerks, use 40%. Ot take it lower. Next, once you have set a weight, I would recommend being able to do at...
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