
We have some new equipment at the gym as of Sunday.  First, more about we hung new ropes.  They are thicker than our old rope – which started thick, but stretched out.  You may find them easier to climb.  Be cautious on the way DOWN.  The ropes are new, so they are a little slick.  Chalk your hands and you will be fine.  But I really needed to focus on getting the rope to bite on my feet.  Be smart as you work the ropes. Also, we finally hung the peg board.  It’s in the back corner of the gym, beckoning you to make it to the top.  If you do complete an ascent, you will be the first.  It’s tough.  If you make it to the top, please sign the peg board. We had some visitors from CrossFit Initiative.  Ty and Soupha own the gym in Reno.  Soupha got...
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CrossFit at 9 am and 10am.  At 10am, # 40mg after the WOD, side effects I would like to perform the triplet “Ghost.”  Lots of heavy breathing there. Workout of the Day AMRAP 14 50 Doubleunders 40 Calories Row/400m Run 50 Doubleunders 30 Clean and Jerks 135/95 50 Doubleunders 20 Muscleups or 20 Pullups
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Workout of the Day Strength Back Squat Build to a Heavy 5 in 20 minutes Conditioning 4 RFT Run 400m 15 Toes to Bar  
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I remember this WOD.  It’s simple and brutal.  It’s you versus the barbell.  It’s beautifully elegant.  I did it close to 7 years ago, decease although I can’t remember exactly when.  I remember not doing as well as I thought I would.  It was first posted in 2008 when I was following nearly 100% of the time at CrossFit Modesto.  We did the daily workout unless there was an equipment issue or it required a high level of skill – like Muscle Ups.  Then I usually did it by myself.  We didn’t have strength programming, unhealthy Reebok gear, approved or weightlifting shoes.  But we still got really freaking fit.  Even then, we were finding if the WOD was run 5k or 1RM Deadlift, not a lot of people showed up, so we started sprinkling in our own programming. Based on the WOD’s first appearance in late 2008, I...
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This week we are starting to move into our new and expanded space. Thank you ahead of time for your patience! The lockers will be moved over and there will be a warmup area for those who arrive ahead of class and want to get moving! It will be a good space to chat without the music from the class blaring at you.  Your binders have already made the move. In case you didn’t see there is another bathroom over there. Yippee for 3 bathrooms!  Workout of the Day Strength Deadlift – Week 4 of 6 Build to a Heavy 5 in 20 minutes Conditioning 4 RFT 400m Run 15 Chest to Bar Pullups** ** Sub 5 Muscle Ups
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