I remember this WOD. It’s simple and brutal. It’s you versus the barbell. It’s beautifully elegant. I did it close to 7 years ago, decease although I can’t remember exactly when. I remember not doing as well as I thought I would. It was first posted in 2008 when I was following CrossFit.com nearly 100% of the time at CrossFit Modesto. We did the daily CrossFit.com workout unless there was an equipment issue or it required a high level of skill – like Muscle Ups. Then I usually did it by myself. We didn’t have strength programming, unhealthy Reebok gear, approved or weightlifting shoes. But we still got really freaking fit. Even then, we were finding if the WOD was run 5k or 1RM Deadlift, not a lot of people showed up, so we started sprinkling in our own programming. Based on the WOD’s first appearance in late 2008, I...
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