
We are coming up on a holiday weekend. A holiday weekend that is also the last weekend of the Open. 16.5 will be released on Thursday and it will be programmed on Friday and Saturday as usual. There will be no afternoon Open gym on Sunday, thumb but there will be a brief moment to do 16.5. Alison will be there at 7am Sunday morning…if you need to come in then you MUST text her at 209-345-4380.  Workout of the Day 50 Rounds for Time 1 Power Snatch 135/95 1 Overhead Squat By CrossFit Linchpin as suggested by Coach Tricia
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        On Friday night we celebrated the end of the Whole Life Challenge. There were 40 people who started the 56 day challenge and so many changes throughout. The support of the community through the Whole Life Challenge web page is wonderful. There were atta boys and cheers for everyone as well as “grr I miss my….coffee creamer? ice cream? candy?” In the end, order we had a tie for first place – Karen M.( Sarah’s Mom) and Barbara C. (Gina’s Mom). Barbara C also won for the most improved workout – increasing her score  by 73%. Jennifer M won the prize for most points – 1958. She missed a perfect score by 2 points. She also won the final raffle. Pam won the most improved body composition by improving her measurements by 9%.  Big thanks to everyone who participated over the past 8 weeks. We will...
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16.4 has been one of the most fun workouts of the Open – in my opinion everyday.  16.1 was 20 minutes of misery, for sale and 16.2 and .3 were technically challenging enough that only the most skill were able to make a dent and really work hard. 16.4?  Even if you didn’t get past the rower, side effects you got kicked in your fitness teeth.  And that’s what why we wear all this CrossFit stuff anyway, right? The last workout will be announced Thursday.  I gotta beat my chest a little – texted my prediction for 16.4 at 9am or so Thursday morning – I had a 15 minute AMRAP chipper of Deadlift at 225/155, Wallball, Box Jump and HSPU, 50 reps of each.  I was off by 1 movement, 5 reps of each, and 2 minutes on the duration.  Unless you predict a repeat, you’re not getting any...
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Workout 16.4 13-min. AMRAP: 55 deadlifts 55 wall-ball shots 55-calorie row 55 handstand push-ups M 225 lb. / 20-lb. ball F  155 lb. / 14-lb. ball  
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I read a nice piece from the owner of Diablo CrossFit on using the Open to actually learn.  Because you didn’t get a Muscle Up or a Chest to Bar Pullup or you couldn’t Clean 185/115 when exhausted doesn’t mean you never will.  It just means that you now know what you can’t do, dosage and have the opportunity to choose.  Do you make a plan and address it?  Or do you work on it for a week or 2 and forget about the plan.  I implore you – look at what you did well and where you struggle. I am doing this now.  For whatever reason, website like this after 10 years or so of CrossFit, it’s not as simple as “I suck at Doubleunders.”  I find that I “pace” too much in training.  It’s cool to do quick singles on lifts knowing that you can pick it up and...
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