
I had a little birdie whisper into my ear that we should do some “clusters.”  If you have done a thruster, more about you have likely done a “cluster”  – it’s simply a Squat Clean into a Thruster.  If you want to make an Olympic lifters eye twitch, call a Clean caught in the squat a Squat Clean.  They get all crazy because the Clean should (but may not) imply a squat happened.  In CrossFit, we remove the implication and demand that a squat happens. Forcing the squat – even at lighter loads – makes the Clean a more complex and demanding movement. Now before you go thinking you are super cool because you are doing “clusters,” learn you some CrossFit history.  Jason Khalipa whom the 2008 CrossFit Games by doing Squat Clean Thrusters in the final event (30 Squat Clean and Jerks for time at 155/100).    Workout of...
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So on Monday, sales we enter Phase 2 of the Cube – that means all lifts go up by 5%.  So heavy days will be 5 sets of 2 at 85%, ambulance rep days will be a big set (8 plus) at 75%, and explosive days will be 3 sets of 8 at 65%.  We’ll stick to the same days – Bench on Monday, Deadlift on Wednesday and Squat on Friday. Monday’s conditioning WOD is a little different – instead of walking on your feet, we ask that you walk on your hands.  What if you can’t walk on your hands?  We you can kick into a handstand, come down, take a step, do it again until you complete 10m – it should likely be 2 or 3 kick ups.  If that is too challenging, perform 10m overhead walking lunge with a 45/25# plate. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill The...
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CrossFit at 9am and 10.  Come get some.  This workout comes from Denny and he weekend he spent with the OPEX crew. Workout of the Day 6 RFT 15 Wallball Shots 20/14 10 Box Jumps 24/20 10 Burpees 15 Hang Power Snatch 75/55
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We are finishing up week 3 of the cube and celebrating with some muscle-ups! Ring or bar, side effects strict, kipping or jumping. Pick your favorite.  Workout of the Day Strength/Skill, The Cube, Week 3 of 9 Back Squat 5 sets of 2, 80% of 1RM Conditioning AMRAP 7 10 Thrusters 75/55 3 Muscle Ups
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AAAHHHH A new movement! The ring pushup. Betcha didn’t think we could take the pushup to another level. Here we go! A modification for this movement can be a ring pushup hold – that will be no joke either.  Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Handstand work OTM for 5 Perform a Handstand walk, # Hold or Wall Climb into hold for 20 seconds.  Rest the remainder of the minute. Conditioning 5 Rounds for Reps – 40 seconds of work /20 seconds of rest Box Jumps Ring Pushups Kettlebell Swings  
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