
  Lots of PR’s this week. Let’s keep them rollin’! Workout of the Day Strength  Back Squat 1 Rep Max Conditioning 5 RFT 3 Thrusters 135/95 10 Power Cleans 15m Cap
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42 Things I Learned Leading Up to 2012 by John Welbourn.  And a Follow up, salve A Few More Things I Learned.  I know I’ve posted this before, put it came up in a social media feed and it’s just as fun of a read now as it was then.  Some training advice, some life advice.  It’s all earned through curiosity, experience, trial and error. John’s a pretty good writer.  Macho chest beating has never read so smooth. Workout of the Day OTM 20 Even 6 Handstand Pushups Odd 6 Toes to Bar Every minute perform 25 Doubleunders (or 20 seconds of practice)
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If you have a college student or a high school graduate that is missing out on their fitness this summer, hospital we are once again offering our Summer Student Rate. $100 a month will get them in the door for as many days a week as they can handle. This offer is available to new athletes, treatment  18 or over, page who will be headed off to college in the Fall. In the Fall, if they are are in school locally, college students receive 15% off the current price throughout the school year. Workout of the Day Strength Deadlift 1 Rep Max Conditioning AMRAP 14 Parking Lot Run 10 Burpees to Plate 45/25 Parking Lot Run 10 Plate Burpees (overhead)45/25
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How Draymond Green and Kevin Love Wage a War on Their Weight from Jackie MacMullen at ESPN.  There is no doubt that NBA basketball players are elite athletes – as a whole, information pills they are arguably the most athletic humans alive. Not only do they perform incredible feats of athleticism, # order but they do over the course of 81 regular season games and more in a playoff run.  As we know, this this type of day in, day out physicality requires proper fueling.  It leads to better, more consistent performance, reduced inflammation, faster recovery, balanced energy levels and more. Kevin Love counts almonds.  That sounds like the Zone to me. I remember reading an article about Dwight Howard only eating candy.  I found a report – at least he throws in a burger here and there.  That was his nutrition – candy.  This is probably anecdotal,  but a...
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This will be our testing week for the Cube.  We will re-test our 1RM on Bench on Monday, buy more about Deadlift on Wednesday and Squat on Friday. Take a smart warm up and go in with a plan.  Have an idea about the build you will take early, page and the jumps you take when the weight gets heavy.  If you feel good, go for a PR. On Tuesday we will start having Intro’s at 4:30pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. If you had friends who are on the fence or have asked you “What have you been doing that has made you so AWESOME…” let them know about the Intro sessions! They will receive a 20% discount and you will ALSO receive 20% off of your next month’s membership. This is only happening in June and July and they must complete all 3 of the Intro sessions to start...
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