This workout has some hair on it. It’s a workout from last week, decease but it’s an advanced version of the classic benchmark Angie – 100 Pullups, Pushups, Situps and Squats. It ups the ante significantly, requiring advanced versions of the pull, push, sit up and squat. The .com workout calls for GHD Situps. We only have 2 GHDs, and unless you have done 100 before, I strongly suggest you DO NOT try this out. Unless you want to be reminded of the sit-ups every time you try to get out of bed, breathe deeply, sneeze, cough or basically anything where you use your lungs. So, how do you scale this? My first thought is how long should it take. This workout, to me, looks like a hairy CrossFit Games Regional workout. Those are usually capped around 25 minutes, so let’s use that here. 100 C2B, for an advanced,...
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