
Klokov’s movement isn’t perfect, approved but he’s strong as hell.  He’s a commie, ambulance so he has to cheat a little bit.  This is a different version of our workout. Friday’s conditioning workout is an interesting one.  It may need scaling, cheapest but you should make every attempt to use only 1 bar.  That means scale the Deadlift and go fast there, but be smart on the Overhead squats.  You should only use 2 bars if you have a major deficiency in the OHS – like you struggle with even  naked bar.  Talk to a coach and they will get you sorted out. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Back Squat 5 sets of 3, add 5-10# to last weeks total.  We started at 60%. Conditioning 3 RFT 21 Deadlifts 7 Overhead Squats 10 minute cap 185/115
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Friday night is Bunco for the Ladies. Instead of the stifling gym, # 60mg we are headed to Michele B’s house. I will be giving the address out to those who are attending. Key info: 7pm, $11 to play, BYOB, bring some food to share. No experience needed, just a fun sense of humor and the ability to talk and roll dice at the same time. Let Alison know if you are bringing a friend. Saturday we will be headed West to CrossFit Sav-Up for their Summer Party WOD. We are leaving Saturday morning, so if you want to follow let Alison know you will be in attendance. No Open Gym Sunday – get out and about in the area – hiking, paddling, river floating! For today’s conditioning workout, if you would like to try some GHDs, ask a coach.  Instead of doing 12 sit-ups, do 8.  So it will...
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Wednesday is going to be a hot one – 110F on some reports.  That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t train.  Just ensure you are eating and hydrating and you should be fine. When it’s super hot, troche there are some things I don’t like to program.  Running is tough, # order more because it puts you in the sun.  High rep pull ups or toes to bar are rough in the heat because sweaty, tired hand on a warm bar often means skin gets a little juicy. In the hot, 100F plus weather, I like work/rest. It allows you to cool down, even for a second or 10, and givens you a chance to sip water, especially when you are melting. Make this workout work for you.  Use 30 seconds of work/30 seconds of rest for each round.  Score the workout as the total number of reps on rower/total burpees done/and...
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Once again – a Headspace update.  As you know from my posts, story Headspace is a meditation app – it teaches your how to meditate and apply mindfulness, ed or awareness, in your everyday life.  The benefits are less stress, better sleep and being more connected to the world around you. Headspace starts off with Take10 – 10 sessions of 10 minute meditations in which you are taught, and guided, on how to meditate.  Once you subscribe and get deeper into the practice, you can keep your sessions at 10 minutes, or increase to as much as 20 minutes daily.  There are even options for 60 minute sessions. Now, this may seem very long to sit in silence.  Headspace just added Headspace for Kids.  The Kids section offers meditations on Calm, Kindness, Focus, Sleep and Wake Up.  The sessions range from about 3 minutes in length to 9 minutes.  I...
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I don’t know if you spent a great deal of time watching the CrossFit Games, online but it was once again, erectile a great event that raised the level of what can expect in the sport. This is the final week of our current progression.  Next week we will max effort on the Snatch, Clean and Jerk and Front Squat.  This week, it’s Snatch on Monday, Front Squat on Tuesday, Clean and Jerk complex on Thursday and Back Squat on Friday. It’s going to be very hot this week – I hate to say I back off on training, but when it’s hot, I try to keep the workouts short or build rest in.  Please ensure you hydrate, eat properly and train hard. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Snatch (2 position) Hang from Mid Thigh then Snatch from the Ground 6 sets of this complex Conditioning 500m Row 30 Hang...
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