So, purchase Alison suggested the benchmark girl “Annie” this week. It’s a great workout, online but with the level of fitness at CFO, for sale Annie, even if done at face melting intensity, is basically a cash out. So I’ve made some additions. There is an option for GHD Annie – it is not 1 for 1. 150 GHD sit-ups is a great idea – if you want to be bed ridden for 5-7 days. If you want to try GHD Annie, do 10 reps each time on the GHD. So, 50 DU, 10 GHD, 40 DU, 10 GHD… If 30 T2B is easy for you, sub 10 Muscle Ups. On the GHD front – they are quite difficult to program for the gym in workouts. First, it is a safety issue to get in and out of the thing, especially when tired. Second, we only have 2 of them,...
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