
This Sunday’s weightlifting seminar has been cancelled. Refunds will be issued if you had already paid. Regular Open Gym will be happening from 10am-noon. Our jogger order has also been cancelled due to a minimum quantity issue. Refunds will be coming by the middle of next week if you had Venmo’ed. The Festivus Games Event on 4/18/2020 has been postponed until September. Get signed up so we can meet that minimum and have the event in the Fall. On a much happier note: our ladies kicked big time a$$ tonight in the Oly Open Week 3 challenge. The Hang Snatch. Always up for a challenge, these ladies brought it! PR’s all around. Thanks to all of the spectators who came to cheer on. See you for week 4 next week. Workout of the Day 3 Rounds AGOQ #3 3 Rounds 9 BarMuscle Ups 18 Toes to Bar 12 Minute Cap
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To all of the friends and family of Crossfit Oakdale- We will be doing our best to continue to provide a safe environment for everyone who walks through our door. With the current situation of the Corona Virus (COVID-19), we can work together to keep everyone healthy and happy. While we are waiting on our next order of gym wipes, the clear bottles of disinfectant will be used to wipe down equipment and clean floors. New towels will be rotated every class to wipe down equipment. Please wipe down your markers and whiteboards too. All towels can be placed in the bag lined laundry bin to be sanitized. We strongly encourage hand washing when you come into the gym as well as before you leave. Non-contact high fives and fist bumps will be truly appreciated. Coaches will be in charge of signing people in on the iPad before the class...
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We have had some gnarly leg work the last few days. The lunges on Saturday, the thrusters and squat cleans on Monday and the back squats on Wednesday…whew. The 5 rep OTM from Wednesday is going to go for 6 weeks – it’s 50 total squats compressed into 10 minutes. You should play with concepts like speed, pauses at the bottom, tempo and other ideas. We will continue to give ideas on how to build your leg strength, power and endurance. Workout of the Day “Helen-ish” AMRAP 20 Parking lot run 12 Kettlebell Swings 53/35 9 Pullups
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Sunday March 15th Weightlifting Seminar – go a little more in depth into the snatch and the clean and jerk with the cream of the crop Oly lifters, Coach Charles Shipman and Sarah Lindblom. Seminar is from 9am-4pm with an hour long break for lunch. $75 Get signed up! Monday March 16th – beginning of the Into the Zone! Nutrition Challenge. Talk to Denny, Brian or Alison for any questions. We will be taking measurements and starting information this week and throughout the weekend. Start prepping you snack and meal ideas! March 22nd- Last day to sign up for the Festivus Games (event is on April 18th) and get a t-shirt! Great workouts and a chance to put your training to the test. Sign up Here! April 18th – The Festivus Games! Workout of the Day Strength OTM10 5 Back Squats Take between 5-10 minute to get to the weight....
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We talked about the Zone diet this evening: how to choose foods, how to create Zone blocked meals and snacks, and the importance of weighing and measuring of food. I left a bunch of print outs on the front desk. If you are interested in joining us for the challenge, make sure you get signed up with Alison. With the challenge, we will be spending 6 weeks together, within a google document sharing and supporting. Points will be earned for the following: 15 points to set your daily block goal (must be confirmed by Brian, Denny or Alison) Daily: 1 point for every Zone meal eaten (up to 3 points per day) 1 point for every Zone snack eaten (up to 2 points per day) 1 point for every Zone meal or snack that is weighed/measured out (up to 5 points per day) Subtract 3 points for every meal/snack that...
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