We love you. Wash your hands.

To all of the friends and family of Crossfit Oakdale-

We will be doing our best to continue to provide a safe environment for everyone who walks through our door. With the current situation of the Corona Virus (COVID-19), we can work together to keep everyone healthy and happy.

While we are waiting on our next order of gym wipes, the clear bottles of disinfectant will be used to wipe down equipment and clean floors. New towels will be rotated every class to wipe down equipment. Please wipe down your markers and whiteboards too.

All towels can be placed in the bag lined laundry bin to be sanitized.

We strongly encourage hand washing when you come into the gym as well as before you leave. Non-contact high fives and fist bumps will be truly appreciated.

Coaches will be in charge of signing people in on the iPad before the class starts.

If you are not feeling well, staying home and resting is good for everyone. Soreness is not a part of not feeling well. If you are just sore, come on in!

If you need an at home workout – Death by anything – burpees, sit-ups, air squats, pushups…. 1 on the first minute, 2 on the seconds minute.. keep going until you can no longer finish the correct amount in the one minute time frame. Post to Instagram and tag us!

We truly appreciate your support during this time. Cleanliness is next to strongli-ness.

Tomorrow is the ladies OlyOpen for the Hang Snatch! 6:30pm

Sunday from 9am-4pm Weightlifting Seminar is still on! (no Open gym, but you could just come to the seminar….)

Workout of the Day


500M Row

400M Run

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