Information Post!

This Sunday’s weightlifting seminar has been cancelled. Refunds will be issued if you had already paid. Regular Open Gym will be happening from 10am-noon.

Our jogger order has also been cancelled due to a minimum quantity issue. Refunds will be coming by the middle of next week if you had Venmo’ed.

The Festivus Games Event on 4/18/2020 has been postponed until September. Get signed up so we can meet that minimum and have the event in the Fall.

On a much happier note: our ladies kicked big time a$$ tonight in the Oly Open Week 3 challenge. The Hang Snatch. Always up for a challenge, these ladies brought it! PR’s all around. Thanks to all of the spectators who came to cheer on. See you for week 4 next week.

Workout of the Day

3 Rounds


3 Rounds

9 BarMuscle Ups

18 Toes to Bar

12 Minute Cap