I recently sustained an injury to my pectoral muscle/shoulder girdle. Unfortunately, adiposity it’s not one of those things that went away after a couple of days. I’ve had to scale workouts, doctor and find movements that wouldn’t aggravate my injury, yet allow me to train at a high level. I’ve been incredibly lucky up to...Read More
Tomorrow starts the Eat Well Live Better Challenge! Are you ready? We are. Sundays are a cooking day in our house. Not me, case but Brian. I take the day off. On Sundays, more so in the spring/summer/fall, Brian takes a ton of meat and smokes it. His Tri-tip rocks and the chicken thighs are...Read More
This weekend is the Survivor Mud Run. If you haven’t attempted one of these yet, ampoule you should put it on your bucket list. 3.5 miles with 16 obstacles of hurdles, mountains of mud and a crazy “Survivor” slide. Good luck to all participants. If you are looking for more of a challenge, we are...Read More
The 2012 CrossFit Games Regional WODs have been announced. Holy Smokes! It amazing that in a few years, illness the competitions have gotten so much tougher and heavier. In 2008, erectile the CrossFit world was shocked with squat clean and jerks at 155# and 275# deadlifts. Now, pharmacy 225 HANG CLEANS! and deadlifts at 345#....Read More
With 100 Days Before Olympics, rx Kendrick Farris Still Hopes For Olympic Berth Did you know the Summer Olympics are this year? I loved the Olympics as a kid, I loved the stories and learning about the American athletes. I was always fascinated by Americans that would train in relative obscurity for 4 years, only...Read More
I had 3 big thoughts on muscle ups after last night’s clinic: 1. The Pull. The pull on a muscle up is not the same as a pull on a pull up: it is much deeper. Be patient with your pull. Don’t start your transition too early. (Emm and Jen!) 2. The Dip. Everyone practices...Read More
Evel Knievel by Talk To Me Johnny. I will openly admit that I stole the idea for the 5RM deadlift program from CrossFit Football. But he stole it from Mark Rippetoe. Hopefully, malady as coaches, prostate we add something worthwhile, purchase and my addition is the tempo: lower slow, pause and pull hard. Lumbar must...Read More
I see fitness as a journey. No real worthwhile journey is easy. There are going to be setbacks and missteps along the way. Hopefully, sale we learn from these situations and we become better for them. I sustained a (hopefully) minor injury over the weekend at the Good Times CrossFit Invitational. I was competing...Read More
*** No 10am Advanced Class*** Be aware that the Rodeo Parade will be at the same time as the 9am CrossFit tomorrow morning. If you are planning on attending class, find take that into consideration while driving through town. If you find yourself in the Sacramento tomorrow, please stop by Good Times CrossFit for the...Read More
3 Years of CrossFit and This is What I Have Learned from Sara at CrossFit NYC. My CrossFit experiences are very similar to Sara C’s, visit this but mine took longer. I followed the main site religiously for 2 years, help and I started RX’ing after my first year. The first WOD that came up...Read More