3 Years of CrossFit and This is What I Have Learned from Sara at CrossFit NYC. My CrossFit experiences are very similar to Sara C’s, visit this but mine took longer. I followed the main site religiously for 2 years, help and I started RX’ing after my first year. The first WOD that came up once I committed to doing everything RX was “Elizabeth”. I did it in 26:13. This is way too long, and I probably wouldn’t let a CFO athlete take this long (we’d drop the weight).
BUT…I learned a TON doing this stuff by myself. I had no coaches, so I watched videos over and over, and read everything I could. I wouldn’t trade my experiences and failures, because they’ve carried me to where I am. I have followed some of the programs that Sara describes (Starting Strength, Wendler for strength; CrossFit Strength Bias, OPT and CF Football for CrossFit stuff and more). If you find new programs that interest you, ask me about them. If I haven’t heard of them, I’ll look into it.
That being said, in my opinion, CrossFit is THE program. It doesn’t have to be CrossFit.com, but in the spirit of the program: Constantly varied, functional movement performed at high intensity. The other thing I believe in strongly is the importance of working out in a group setting. Whenever I have pulled back from CrossFit in a group, and done specific, individual programs, my performances suffered. I don’t really approve of pulling away from the CrossFit methodology to get stronger or better at gymnastics. I prefer the slow, steady approach of working hard 4 to 5 days a week. I do love “goat” or weakness work. Do it before or after WODs, but remember the priority: A challenging, balanced WOD done in a group setting. This is strong medicine. Let it work for you.
Hot Buttered Coffee on a Cold Rainy Day
Workout of the Day
1 Handstand Pushup
1 Pistol (just 1 per leg)
1 Ring Dip,
then do 2 of each movement, then do 3, then 4, keep going up until 7 minutes is up.