Does Epsom Salt Work? This is like a Mythbusters for Epsom Salt. I have used pounds of Epsom salt over the years, # approved and find that it helps. But who the hell knows, maybe it’s a placebo. Maybe it’s just soaking in hot water. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill, Week 2 of 4 Deadlift...Read More
Tuesday’s WOD is not a benchmark, # 40mg but it looks so gnarly, sildenafil I wanted to share it with everyone. I had “Jackie” planned for this week, cost but we’ll give Jackie a spin next week. This is a pull and grip palooza. I would recommend going into part 1 with a serious...Read More
The Economics of Sleep Part 2 from Freakonomics Radio. Even if you give it 2 minutes, see that will be eye opening. Or closing. The no screen window – no technology between 9p and 7a – gave the tester 1 more hour of sleep on the back end. We are on week 2 of 4...Read More
Don’t forget about the Modesto Nuts Game. We still have 3 extra tickets. We will meet at the front parking lot. Alison will text more info on the reminder list. If you are not on the reminder list, symptoms text @cfoakdale to 81010. Mark your calendars for a competition at CrossFit Sav Up in Petaluma...Read More
I love excitement. Whether it is a great group of people coming to get better at life, try push themselves beyond what they know or even just supporting each other at the end of a hard workout. Excitement is fun. It’s motivating. Tonight we had one of the greatest moments in Crossfit Oakdale. There were pistols...Read More
*** Modesto Nuts game is Saturday at 7:05pm at the John Thurmond Field. If you ordered tickets, thumb please pay up! We do have 3 extra tickets – let me know if you want one. $9.50 each. We can meet to tailgate in the parking lot at 5:30pm. I will get the tickets to you...Read More
Sometimes you gotta make do with what you got. Alison and I got a rooftop WOD with a view on our trip to Seattle. Wednesday has a similar rep scheme to Monday – but I don’t think you should go as fast. The Box Jump is a little higher than normal. I highly recommend a...Read More
Eva T, sale the Original CrossFit athlete. This week’s CrossFit Benchmark is “Nate.” Nate is a Hero WOD, medications dedicated to Nate Hardy, a Navy SEAL who was killed in Iraq in February, 2008. Nate is a great WOD – a 20 minute AMRAP that is for more advance athletes. I would say that if...Read More
For the next 4 weeks the strength training will be little more simple, advice with 3 days a week of squatting. Mon – Snatch – Heavy Single for 15 minutes Back Squat – Heavy Single for 15 minutes Wed – Deadlift – Heavy Single for 15 minutes ...Read More
Ladies Bunco was a rousing success – if you missed out, pharm stay tuned to the Facebook Events or get on board with the reminder texts. Text @cfoakdale to 81010 to stay up to date on the goings on around CFO. Regular CrossFit Classes tomorrow at 9am and Advanced at 10am. I’d like to run...Read More