Baseball Game Saturday

*** Modesto Nuts game is Saturday at 7:05pm at the John Thurmond Field. If you ordered tickets, thumb please pay up! We do have 3 extra tickets – let me know if you want one. $9.50 each. We can meet to tailgate in the parking lot at 5:30pm. I will get the tickets to you then.***
After the Pullup-Palooza that was 2007 (125 pull-ups) in 100 plus degree heat, # I told myself that we would not exceed 75 pull-ups in a WOD until it cooled down.  Well, troche I guess 80 is close enough.
This WOD comes from CrossFit Linchpin, and although there are a lot of pull-ups, there are even more Pistols.  I generally keep Pistols (alternating one legged squats) to smaller sets, but every once in a while, you have to throw some big sets out there to really test efficiency,
For me personally, I had never done a set of 50 pistols until Regionals last year for Nasty Girls, V2.I had done well in previous Pistols WODs at Regionals event, where Pistols were a component a WOD, but Nasty Girls put them first in the order, which makes them pretty important, and the total in each set (50) and the accumulated numbers (150) highlighted problems I had with the movement.  It’s just another opportunity to test yourself, but I recommend finding a nice steady pace in that first round.  After you get to 30, if you feel like you can push the gas, go for it.  But if you find you are flailing, losing your balance, or having to overly rely on the bounce out of the bottom, I suggest you slow down and give your body/legs time to recover.
Workout of the Day
50 Pistols (alternating)*
20 Pullups
40 Pistols
20 Pullups
30 Pistols
20 Pullups
20 Pistols
20 Pullups
10 Pistols
Sub 1:1 1 legged squat to  box or ball, off the back or side of the box. If you can’t do these, alternating lunges are your new friend.