This is probably the ultimate CrossFit video – it has clean and jerks, prostate t shirts, patient medicine balls, patient trash talk, feats of strength and competitive exercise. Mandelbaum! Mandelbaum! Mandelbaum! Workout of the Day Gymnastics Strength/Skill OTM 10 Handstand Practice 30 Seconds Work/30 Seconds Rest Conditioning 3 RFT 90 Doubleunders 30 Power Snatch 75/55...Read More
The Fifth Annual Franniversary is this coming Saturday – December 3rd. There are still some spots left, sildenafil so if you have a partner and you both like to have fun, pharmacy and maybe win some cash, get registered! If you are interested in volunteering and or judging, WE NEED YOU! Free t-shirt as payment:)...Read More
Saturday is a version of a 2014 Regional workout. I switched out the moderately heavy front squats with slightly heavy deadlifts. CrossFit at 9 and 10 Like the last few weeks, sick we will figure out a workout with the the GHD, ask Slam Balls and Bike or Row. Workout of the Day 21-15-9-6-3 Deadlift...Read More
If you ate too much, abortion drank too much, laughed to much…this workout is for you. Come join us in the Post Thanksgiving WOD to detox! Class at 9am only – take a break from your Black Friday Shopping to workout then you can get right back on it! Our Black Friday Sale is Buy...Read More
Classes will be 9am and 5:30pm only – we would love to have a larger group for the evening class so we can all workout together. If we don’t get a chance to see you, adiposity please know that we are Thankful for all of the positive spirit and effort you bring into the gym...Read More
CrossFit Kids Classes are on a break this week for Thanksgiving. We will be back next Tuesday with regular schedule until Christmas. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Pause Clean and Jerk In 20 minutes, site build to a heavy single of the Pause Clean. Following the Clean, help perform a Jerk. No pause necessary here....Read More
Due to Thanksgiving, healing this will be an abbreviated week. We will squat on Monday, have a classic CrossFit workout on Tuesday (with normal hours), a Fight Gone Bad style workout with lots of the new equipment on Wednesday. On Wednesday, we will have 2 classes: 9am and 5:30pm. CrossFit Oakdale will be closed on...Read More
The Franniversary V GAUNTLET will consist of 3 six minute WOD’s with 4 minutes of rest in between. As you walk on the floor, page you will begin with “Randy.” In this partner WOD, try one team member at a time will perform as many snatches (ground DIRECTLY overhead) as possible at 75/55 in 6...Read More
Genrally, # 40mg I try to program something heavy one day a week. We did lots of reps in the legs this week – squats Monday, web lunges Tuesday and more running than normal on Wednesday. Thursday was CrossFit, plain and simple. But it wasn’t heavy. Friday’s workout should be heavy. See below. Scale as...Read More
You may notice some new equipment. New GHDs, online Rowers, decease Slam Balls, order more weights and medicine balls and some shiny Air Assault Bikes. Today’s workout will include the Axel Bar. This is basically a more primal barbell. It’s thicker, weighs a little less, has no gnurling and doesn’t spin. Thursday’s workout will be...Read More