Again, I feel like a kid on Christmas

The last bit of out equipment packages are landing Tuesday and Wednesday.  I’m going to spend the day texting Alison, store “Is it here yet?” or “What did we get”.  Opening all the boxes is almost the best part.  Like Christine, or The Step-Brothers say, “So many activities!”
Workout of the Day
Squat Snatch
Build to a heavy single, focus on receiving in the “catch”, or overhead squat position.  Take your time warming up, and get those hips and shoulders ready.
9-7-5 rep rounds of:
Muscle Up
Squat Snatch 135/95
Even if you don’t have a MU, use the rings to work the transition. 1 for 1 subs.

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2 Responses
  1. tdub

    Back Squat
    5@ 60% – 105# 5@ 70% – 120# 5@ 80%- 135# (1RM170#)
    2 rounds of:
    50 squats
    40 push ups
    30 sit ups
    20 Dbl Unders
    rest 2 min in between rounds