Administrative duties…

NO PARKING LOT ACCESS on Friday, May 14th – they will be painting the lines. We are all good to go back on Saturday.

Murph t-shirt sales will be until May 20th. $25 plus tax – 25% will go to the Fisher House Foundation. Sign up sheet for t-shirts is by the iPad. Murph WOD will be Monday, May 31st at 9am. That will be the only class that day.

This Friday we will have weightlifting with Coach Denny at 6:30pm.

Saturday, May 22nd will be the Pair Up Throwdown during the 9 and 10am class. If you don’t have a workout partner, let us know and we can find you one! If you and your partner can’t make it Saturday, you can do it during Open gym the next day.

Also – at 11:15am will be our first yoga class with Lizzy!

Sunday May 23rd will have Open Gym from 10am-12pm.

Help us win $8000 to upgrade the gym! Click here!

Phew. I think that is all for now!

Workout of the Day

Row 250m
Parking Lot Run
12 Power Cleans 135/95