We know you are itching to get back into the gym. You might not know how much we miss having you there. Regardless of when we start, and when it does happen the plan will be in limiting class sizes. Similar to before we left, class sizes will be shorter, you will have to sign up online and class times will be a little shorter to give time to sanitize properly for the next class.
Keep the faith, fingers crossed, knock on wood, throw a penny in the fountain, flip your cigarette and always kiss your visor. What are your wishing and good luck actions?
Fully Loaded
20 Ft Hand stand Walk
100 Double Unders
40 Ft. Handstand Walk
80 Double Unders
60 Ft Hand Stand Walk
60 Double Unders
80 Ft Handstand Walk
40 Double Unders
100 Ft Handstand Walk
20 Double Unders
Half Cocked/Empty Chamber
20 Ft Handstand Kick Up or Bear Crawl
100 Lateral Hops over an object
40 Ft. Handstand Kick Up or Bear Crawl
80 Lateral Hops over an object
60 FtHandstand Kick Up or Bear Crawl
60 Lateral Hops over an object
80 Ft Handstand Kick Up or Bear Crawl
40 Lateral Hops over an object
100 Ft Handstand Kick Up or Bear Crawl
20 Lateral Hops over an object
Accessory Work
A1. Dimmel Deadlift 3x 25
A2. Bench Press 3×15
A3. Bicep Curl 3x 20