9am Skills Clinic on Saturday

*** Quick note- our red xbox controller seems to have walked away on Tuesday night. We would love to have it returned! Thanks!***
On Saturday morning we will be having a skills clinic at 9am. We will cover double unders, help getting upside down, prostate gymnastic movements – toes to bar and pull-ups and pistols. At 10 we will focus on Bar and Ring Muscle-Ups. If you have some of these, but not all you should come. If you have none of these, you should come. If you have all of these you should still come. This is free for  CFO athletes but all are welcome ($10 for others). 
Workout of the Day
With a 12:00 clock, for reps
1:00 Push Jerk
1:00 Power Clean
2:00 Push Jerk
2:00 Power Clean
3:00 Push Jerk
3:00 Power Clean
Men – 135, Ladies – 95
Score is your total number of reps.  I recommend keeping a running count – so if you completed 17 Jerks in the first minute, begin the minute of Cleans with rep 18.