I texted this from a gas station off I-5 at like 5pm after hearing the workout.
21.3 – Break it up early and often. You will burn up your legs.
The workout for a large percentage is going to be: can you get into and knock out the Bar Muscle Ups. Plan that accordingly. 5’s for literally everything is what I recommend.
21.4 – Lift to your weakness. If you have a great jerk, but can’t clean, you are lifting to your clean. Same goes for he clean. If your jerk sucks, that’s what you are doing.
- Hook Grip
- Wear weightlifting shoes
- Warm up – I would do a ton of slow building on the deadlift/squat clean/jerk. Lots of barbell and light movements, always squatting your cleans. Unless you really suck at squatting, you should squat clean your lifts.
If you came to Denny’s Friday weightlifting, give yourself a pat on the back. If we didn’t actually do this complex, it was pretty damn close.

Workout of the Day
For total time:
• 15 front squats
• 30 toes-to-bars
• 15 thrusters
Rest 1 min.
•15 front squats
• 30 chest-to-bar pull-ups
• 15 thrusters
Rest 1 min.
• 15 front squats
• 30 bar muscle-ups
• 15 thrusters
♀ 65 lb. ♂ 95 lb.
Time cap: 15 min
Workout 21.4 begins immediately upon completing or reaching the time cap for 21.3.
Max Effort Complex in 7 minutes directly after 21.3
1 Deadlift
1 Power Clean
1 Hang Power Clean
1 Jerk