
The first workout of the CrossFit Games has been announced.  It’a a triplet – with 2 familiar movements and 1 new movement.  A couple of thoughts.
This one will be logistic-al.  We have a lot of space, approved but lunging athletes with bars over their head take up a lot of space.
It’s long.  This is about as long as Open WODs get.  So, it not only takes up a lot of space, but it takes a good amount of time.  So that means small heats that will take 20 minutes.  We have the floor set for 5 athletes at a time.
Now, I feel pretty good because we have actually done a good amount of overhead walking lunges this year.  Normally we used a plate, but you should be well prepared for them.  At first glance I recommend a close grip – clean and jerk the bar up, then lunge.
Please review Masters/Scaling options.

Workout of the Day
25′ Overhead Walking Lunge 95/65
8 Bar Facing Burpees
25′ Overhead Walking Lunge 95/65
8 Chest to Bar Pullups