14.4 highlights

14.4 is in the books! Great job to all whole completed the first CrossFit Games Open Chipper!
Up until this year, look the Open had become fairly predictable – light to moderate weight, adiposity a bunch of reps, all wrapped up in a pain inducing AMRAP. 14.1 fell in line with that type of test, but the last 3 WODs have been creative, interesting, and dare I say, fun. The margin for error to make it to the next level, be it Regionals or the Master’s testing weekend, is ZERO. Leave one rep on the floor, and 500 hungry dudes or dudettes will blow past you.
We have some great performances in 14.4.
Louis and Denny both hammered out some Muscleups late to put up great scores on 14.4.
I got to watch Danelle, a 5:30am freaking WARRIOR, get her 60 calls done and stay in the hunt. It’s her first Open, and she does these darn torture-fests at 5:30am. Respect.
The highlight for me was watching Janet. Last year on the T2B WOD, Janet got 1 rep. This year, she banged out 50 Toes to Bar. So much improvement and heart. Great job sister – THAT is what the Open is about!

It's 14.3, but BMB goes HAM in a pink unicorn shirt
It’s 14.3, but BMB goes HAM in a pink unicorn shirt

Workout of the Day
3 Deadlift-2 Hang Clean-1 Power Clean
Build to a heavy set of this complex in 15 minutes. Do not Clean from your 3rd Deadlift into you first Clean – make sure you stop and do an actual Hang Clean.
Burpees to 6″ touch
At the top of every minute, including the first minute, do 5 Deadlifts 225/155

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